Chapter 9 - Constant Vigilance

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Harriet enjoyed her special reward from Tom so well that she asked for it a second time.

.......And a third.

.......And a fourth.

Although Minister Riddle regretted spoiling his mate, as Harriet's condition progressed and her discomfort increased, he sought any possible way to mitigate his beloved's suffering.

Carrying one baby would have certainly presented its own struggles, but as her third trimester slowly crept by, Harriet often begrudged the fact that she had conceived twins.

She kept to her nest more as her energy waned.

Tom peered into the private room built into the side of his office at least once every passing hour.

If he found Harriet awake, he would ask if she needed anything.

If he saw that his wife lay asleep, he would not disturb her slumber, although he would stare at her for several, long moments.

While Tom maintained his many duties as the head of magical Britain's government, he spent every free second that he had diligently studying the books and pamphlets Rewin had given him.

Tom Riddle actually saw more merit than most in the benefits of a good education.

One afternoon, his dark eyes flickered over the pages of the book that lay open on his desk as he carefully studied each diagram that detailed potential birthing positions.

When the time came for Harriet's labour to start, Tom wanted to be the one she looked to for support, the one to comfort her, and the one to hold her through the trials of childbirth.

Many had tried to paint Tom Riddle as a villain before.

They had cited his affinity for the Dark Arts and his questionable practices as proof of his wickedness, but Tom couldn't care less about his enemies' opinions as long as he maintained his powerful position.

Truthfully, Tom had longed to be a hero since he had been a young boy standing in the Great Hall for the first time as he gazed at the bespectacled, dark-haired girl who stood in front of him with a happy smile and glowing, green eyes, but not just any hero.

Tom Riddle wanted to be Harriet's hero.


One rainy afternoon, Rewin came to the Minister for Magic's residence to examine his wife during her weekly check up.

During her appointment, Harriet laid in her nest and settled her back against Tom's chest.

She sighed to herself while Rewin performed a quick diagnostic charm as she waved her wand over her mounded belly.

Tom frowned as he watched the midwife study the results from her enchanted examinations as the data her charm displayed slowly fell from the air in the form of dissipating sparkles.

"Well?!" He demanded in a hiss, "How is she?! How are my children?!"

"Your wife and the twins she carries are doing just fine, Minister Riddle." Rewin calmly concluded after another moment of shrewd study, determined not to let Tom interfere with her job performance.

She ignored the glare he threw at her as she turned to Harriet and asked, "Mrs. Riddle, how have you been feeling?"

"Well enough, I suppose." She fibbed.

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