Mulai dari awal

It was tender and passionate, nothing like Eric's that was strong, controlling but addictive.

Before she was about to pull away, a bright light shone on them, breaking their bodies away from each other; ruining their perfect moment.

Emery broke away first, looking up and squinting to see who the person was.

"Well well, what do we have here" A familiar voice said.

Oh Christ.

Not now, please let this all be some very strange, unpleasant dream.

"What are you two doing out of bed, after hours" Eric said cunningly, shining the light in their eyes as if it were a police interrogation. 

"We we're just, um-" Emery tried to come up with an anwser, scared Eric was going to push Al over this chasm.

He held his hand up to stop her. "Do you really think I need you to answer that?". His eyes slid over to Al as if he were going to kill him. Al didn't say anything to him at first. "I thought I already taught you a lesson about disobeying me Initiate, maybe I will have to kill you this time instead" Eric said, taking a step toward Al.

"Disobeying you?" Al scoffed. "What did I do the first time, oh that's right, I looked at Emery and you almost killed me. Tell me, what are you going to do know after you know that I kissed her, and she kissed me back?" Al said, laughing a little as he saw Eric's fist clench up, he was about to dive at him.

"Stop, both of you. I'm not a piece of meat", Emery said, staring at Eric. She was a little annoyed at Al as well to be honest, he had rubbed their kiss in Eric's face like it were a trophy.

"I don't care what you do with her Al, but I do care that you continuously break my rule. Same goes for you little Stiff. I told you you shouldn't be out after hours and I told you you are under my supervision; so Al get out of here, and Emery come with me".

"She's not going anywhere with you" Al said pushing her aside.

"Do you really want to try and see if you would win against me?" Eric began raising an eyebrow at Al. He let out a laugh that was provocative and evil, like he was taunting him. "I can get you kicked out of Dauntless, make you Factionless in less than an hour", Eric listed, you could see Al stiffened. "or I can just kill you if you prefer," Eric said sternly, he held his stare and Emery realised he was being deadly serious.

"Al go", she demanded, somewhat harshly, but Emery didn't want to see him in anymore trouble. He slowly turned around and escaped from the Chasm.

Eric watched him go, and after he had disappeared into the dark, his eyes rested on Emery. His breaths were deep and it made his chest puff in and out, in and out. He didn't say anything, just quickly took her forcefully by the hand and dragged her to his apartment.


Eric slammed the door behind him, waiting for her to say something. Apologise perhaps? But no.

"Do you want me to get you a tampon?" She stated. There was silence for a moment.

Did that just fucking come out of her mouth, he thought.

"What?" He hissed through gritted teeth. He was seething.

"Your obviously on you period, makes sense, you are awfully sensitive today".
Eric snickered. But it was a angry one, like he was trying to stop himself from attacking her.

He stormed at her, heading for the liquor he kept on the table behind, purposefully colliding with her shoulder as he walked past, sending her stumbling a little.

"Aw maybe not", she mumbled. "Perhaps it's the menopause", she said, a little louder to make sure he heard her.

Eric flashed her a look, slamming down his now empty glass. Clenching his first, he ran his hand through his hair before he threw a strong punch at the wall.

It went straight through.

It didn't seem to bother him, he didn't even flinch.

"Well that was pointless", she stated.

"Oh keep going Stiff", he said as a warning, edging closer to her. "I'm fucking itching to punish you".

"Well I have more to say "

"You have a fucking sharp tongue you know that?"


"Well if you know why do you continue to use it?"

"I do this thing called standing up for myself".

"Do you really like that lump of a human?" Eric questioned impatiently.

Emery noticed his hands were slightly shaking, as if his jealousy was trying to escape out of him and he was furiously trying to keep it from exploding.

"He's a friend"

"A friend", he laughed. "Well if that's how you treat your friends no wonder you so fucking popular".

"He is just a friend", she repeated.

"Why was your tongue in his throat then?". Emery saw him swallow a lump as he said it, his eyes on her lips like he was jealous Als had even gotten the chance to touch them.

His hand raised and he brushed his thumb against them. She pulled away.

"I couldn't bring myself to tell him. He has already been through enough without being humiliated", she gave a fake smile. "So you have yourself to blame for my tongue being down his throat". Eric instantly burst into cunning laughter.

"His idiocy never ceases to amaze me". She scoffed at his remark, Emery didn't like him talking badly about Al.

She quickly turned toward the door, starting to walk out before Eric's hand dug into her arm and pulled her into him. Their chests collided together and Emery felt herself catch her breath. Eric noticed, smirking a little.

"Don't fucking move. Sometimes I -"

"What, sometimes what, you hate me? I find that hard to believe", Emery retorted, their breaths intertwined, she could smell mint and liquor on his breath.

"Why?" Eric scoffed, "I think you're growing a bit too cocky Stiff".

"Because you said it yourself during the first week of Dauntless, people don't usually get a second chance when they piss you off. But you continue to give me one, and I thought I knew why but you seriously don't act as if you care for me at all", at her words, Eric instantly became more rigid.

"Why would you think that?"

"Can you blame me? After everything you've done to hurt me", she shoved his hand off her arm. "Al? Putting me in medical? Yeah looks like you really care".
Eric didn't say anything for a moment.

"Get to bed it's late" He hissed. "You can take my bed" Eric offered.

"Don't try and be the gentleman now. I'll take the couch"

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