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"This is going to sting", Fours voice entered her ears like he was miles away, echoing throughout her empty shell of a body. "Emery?" He said gently, his hand brushing against hers for a split second.

Her eyes, lightly covered with a layer of tears she was holding back, looked into his. Her mouth was open a little, and she was trying to speak, but she couldn't hear anything coming out of it.

She sucked in a shaky breath and began to nod her head frantically.

"You're in shock", Four noted. He brought his hands up to her face, allowing his desires to shine through for a moment as he stroked her face. "Follow my finger", he instructed, moving his index finger back and forth in front of her.

She followed as best she could.

"Did you hit your head?" Four asked, she nodded her head, still unable to speak. "Ok, do you feel-", suddenly emery gagged, covering her mouth as Four without wasting a second grabbed the bin that was next to him.

Emery spilled her guts into it.

"Sick", Four finished. He took in a deep breath, his grip tightened around the bin. He looked at her, his heart thumped with anger, three people had planned this and done this to her.

It made him grit his teeth.

It made his heart burn when he thought about if he hadn't of been there.

"Ok I need to clean this wound", his voice was a little croaky. "It will sting". Emery groaned a little as she put the bin down, seering in pain as Four applied the compress.

Unconsciously, her hands went straight to his shoulders and clutched them tight. Where she touched him began to tingle and burn his skin, his eyes flickered up, a small, quiet smile appearing. Then, she removed them as quickly as she had planted them.

"Sorry", was the first thing she said. Four shook his head at her.

"There's no need". He said as he began to clean. Emery stared into the distance, dead, and quiet behind her eyes.

She felt like she was imagining this, all of this. That she actually had in fact been flung from the chasm.

"I'm sorry", she said again. Four shook his head a little.

"Emery, -"

"I'm sorry for the other day. I shouldn't have snapped at you".
Four remembered.

It was the only thing he had been thinking about for the past few days. He didn't like the idea of her disliking him, not trusting him.

"It's alright, I'm a big boy". He noted. "I'm only concerned about you right now Emery". He narrowed his eyes at her. "You could have died tonight".

Emery allowed one tear to escape her eyes.

"I know". She said plainly.

"Other than Molly, did you see anyone you recognised?"

"No, they were all wearing masks". Emery noted, Four nodded slowly, giving her a weak smile.

"It's ok to be scared, it's ok if you wanna bawl your eyes out on my bed", he offered. Emery wanted to smile but it didn't quite reach her face. "There's no argument now Emery, the dorms, for the time being are off limits for you", Four was not asking or offering this time; he made it quite clear to her it was a demand.

And for once, she didn't protest.



Emery's eyes shot open, and woke up with a gasp, like she hadn't been breathing before that. She clutched at her throat, her body reacting for a few seconds; not realising she was coming from the depths of sleep.

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