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After the room had stopped spinning for Emery, and she had thrown up a few times, Al, Christina and Will decided they should celebrate.

"Tattoos?" Chris suggested. Emery clapped her hands together.

"Fuck yes", she agreed. Emery had always wanted to get one, she just had no idea what of. "Piercings too", Emery added.

"Really what are you gonna get?" Al asked.

"Industrial on one ear, helix on the other, both my lobes, my nose, and maybe my nipple and belly button", Emery said. She loved piercings, not too many, but a nice collection. She wanted most of them on her ear and only wanted the one face piercing. It sounded stupid but she felt like when she got them, she would finally start living, finally become dauntless.

Al shifted nervously in his seat. "I dunno", he bit his lip. "Tattoos?"

"Yes! Come on it will be fun!" Emery said, grabbing his arm hoisting him up. He just looked down at Emery with his big goofy gin. "You'd look great with a tribal", she said, trying to hold in her laughter. Al smiled and shook his head.

"Shut up you idiot".


Christina and Emery got ready together, and as they did, Emery admired her body. She had always been lean, but now she was lean and strong.

Her legs and bum had grown, her waist and abs had become more defined, and you could see the lean muscle in her arms. She admired herself in the miror. She had never been allowed to enjoy her reflection before. But, she did, in fact.

She didn't believe there should be shame in liking how you looked, and Dauntless had allowed her to be confident and like every part of herself. Even if most of it was bruised.

As Emery had finished wiggling herself into a pair of jeans, Christina came back in with a lipstick she had been looking for.

"You look good", She commented, squeezing Emery's bum playfully and hugging her from behind.

"So do you like the earrings, didn't I say they would look good?" Emery nudged, she had found a pair of hoops that she had grabbed for Chris yesterday; knowing she would look beautiful.

Christina nodded in agreement.

"I know, my fashion trust is now placed in you".

Emery smirked as she hopped onto the sink and sat while Christina finished getting ready.
She watched Emery and shook her head. "It annoys me how you look good, even after a fight with Peter" Chris complimented.

Peter hadn't won but he'd surely left his mark.
Her eyebrow was cut, she had purple bruises along her jaw and neck, thankfully her skin was tanned, so it was harder to see but; they hurt like hell.

Even though she was bumped and bruised, she didn't mind it. Emery thought it made her look tough, like she was a true dauntless. If you didn't have a cut or a scrape on you in this place, you knew you weren't trying hard enough.

"Says you, I may wear the eyebrow look well but you are killing the cut lip. Makes you look badass" Emery said, taking the red lipstick from her that she was struggling to apply.

"I was going to say, I think I actually quite like this look on me", Chris noted as Emery smoothed the lipstick across her lips.

"All done", Emery said, clipping the lipstick back in the case. Christina turned to the mirror and smiled.

"Let's go"


They arrived at the tattoo parlour and were instantly welcomed by a familiar face, Tori.

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