18• The last kiss

Start from the beginning

Get him back in school.

"Come on" I said happily, ready to go home.

"Mate" John smiled, running down the street to us and hugging David
"Hey John" he chuckled
"What have I missed?" He asked
"What haven't you missed?" John grinned

"Pint?" David suggested
"No, you have to get home and change first, and you're too young for a pint" I said
He groaned, following John back to the house

Where everyone was waiting for him.
We all wanted to welcome him home.

"Ah fuck sake Mari, I didn't need a party" he laughed, everyone smiling
We finally had something to celebrate, we weren't going to pass up on it.

Even Arthur had shown up, and wasn't pissed off his head as far as I knew
Maybe Polly really had got through to him somehow.

"Alright then, let's celebrate" John shouted, he was beaming since seeing David
And he'd invited that Martha girl round from the pub
Things seemed to be looking up for everyone

Well... not everyone
Tommy was avoiding me every chance he got
He was being so secretive
We hadn't spoken in days
And it made me question us. Whether I was just being an idiot feeling the way I did.

Halfway through the party I received a knock on the door
So I went to check who it was
To be met with Lucius Carter on my doorstep
"Uh... what are you doing here?" I asked, stepping out and shutting the door

Mariana's Outfit

I didn't need everyone hearing my business "The deal, does it still stand?" He asked"Yes" I said, confused"According to your boyfriend

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I didn't need everyone hearing my business
"The deal, does it still stand?" He asked
"Yes" I said, confused
"According to your boyfriend... it doesn't" he said

"What?" I asked
"Thomas... Shelby" he clarified
"He tells me to stay away from you, that you don't need a deal like this right now" he said
"He did what?"
I can't believe him

I specifically told him to stay out of my affairs
I didn't need to be protected or restricted
What I did was my fault, my actions and my consequences
"Thomas Shelby does not speak for me, I ask in future for you to ignore everything he said, or will say. You are doing business with me, not him" I said

"Good to hear Cortéz, I suggest you get him in line then, because if he threatens me again, he won't be doing business with anyone" he warned
I nodded.

Why would he do that?

"This was a good idea, thanks Mar" David said drunkenly, staggering over to me for a hug as he entered the kitchen
"Oh, I'm glad you had a good night" I laughed, catching him as he tripped
"Yeah" he smiled.

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