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Hey my loves
Good luck with this chapter





I hear three knocks on my door and my heart begins to pound as i make my way to the door to let them inside, i cast my eyes to my clock and it reads exactly 8PM. Gulping, i open the door.

My eyes meet theirs and Damons hand locks around my wrist, pulling me out and forcing me into the corridor, giving me just enough time to grab my phone and key card, which i shove into the purse i am holding.

"lets go" Michael says, glaring at me as he locks onto my other arm. "Do not touch me!" i grit out, tugging my arm out of both damon and his grasp. "You didn't seem to mind me touching you earlier, Angel" Damon whispers and the others laugh.

"Fuck you" I sneer, before trying to storm ahead, but i am too slow as Kai grabs the back of my neck and pulls me back, and i have no choice to stay with them as we leave the building and enter the carpark, where Will's black ford raptor truck is waiting. 

Will goes into the drivers seat, and damon pulls me with him into the passengers seat so i am sitting on his lap. I try and get off but his hands are already locked around my waist, I have no choice but to sit there as Will starts to drive to the party.


We arrive at a large white house and we get out of the car together. Entering the house i see Michael disappear up the stairs with some girl, clearly not bothered with whatever is going to happen to me.

Out of all of the horsemen, Michael is the most sane, so now that i am left here without him to force them back, i am fucked, which only increases my nerves.

I cast my eyes over to Will who has found his way to the drinks table and is downing a beer, I shake my head and turn away.

Somebody proceeds to come up to us, they have blonde hair and are around 6'5. "Yo, have you seen Michael?" He asks, and I shake my head. "No, he just disappeared with a girl" I reply and he sighs.

"He had some blonde girl last time- Erika- I think her name was" and damon laughs. "You remember her?" He asks, "Yeah, I thought she might be his new girl now- Michael always gets the hot ones" this stupid mystery guy says, and I scoff.

"Nah she's not Michaels, she is mine" Damon tells him. "So back of Daniel" Will chimes in and Kai snickers.
"I'm not-" I begin to say but I interrupted mid sentence by kai, who tells Daniel. "She is not in the mood for this" and then Kai looks at me, with a certain menacing look that sends a shiver down my spine.

"If you say so" Daniel mutters blinking harshly before calling out, "Ronan! Your new boss is here" with a smug grin.

Ronan is here?

"I'm not in the mood with you right now, Dan" A Voice chimes out from the pool, before it adds "I dont want to see that fucker anyway" and I stiffle a laugh.

A figure dressed in black boxers, and tattoos marking his body emerges from the pool. "Oh so you weren't joking" Ronan mutters, glaring at Damon.

"So this is Ronan?" Damon asks, looking at me and I smirk. "Maybe" I reply and Damon shakes his head, before sneering at Ronan. "You stay away from my girl, yeah?" He tells him and I look as Ronan's eyes narrow.

"Your girl? She didn't appear to want to be your girl when she-" Ronan moves closer to damon, and whispers the last part in his ear. "Rosalie didn't want to be yours when she was coming on my dick last night"

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