36) Old Friends

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Loki stopped short, meeting the eyes of his old friend.

"You're not supposed to be here." Mobius said, stopping any thoughts of their still being a good relationship between them.

"Mobius, you're being brainwashed by Kang." Loki tried to explain.

"You're the Loki variant, aren't you? Why should I believe a word that comes out of your mouth?"

What Loki couldn't see was behind Mobius, he carried a Tempad and clicked a button, alarming other hunters to come to his aid since he carried no weapon on him, but Loki had two.

"You shouldn't, and that's a problem we had to being with. But do you not remember anything? Ravonna pruned you and you escaped the void with me and Wanda!" Loki said.

"Look, I don't know you but if you don't put down those daggers then my friends are going to get to know you quite well." Mobius threatened.

Loki gave a sigh and he set down his daggers on the ground, trying to not seem like a threat.

"See? I'm not going to hurt you! Because we're friends, Mobius. You and I are friends." He said, his arms waving wildly to prove a point.

"Look, I have a plain face. If we're apparently friends, I probably just remind you of someone that you knew a while back."

"You do remind me of someone I knew a while back! Yourself. Wanda and I had to leave and we couldn't get to you in time and the whole brain wave things happened and now your back to how you were in the beginning!"

"Loki, you're making no sense to me right now. Calm down and cooperate with my men and we can talk in a different setting." Mobius said, his voice much calmer than Loki's.

Loki turned as he heard footsteps of people coming towards him, hunters to be exact. He gave an annoyed groan before grabbing his daggers off the ground and fighting the hunters so he could run and get back to the meeting place.

Mobius backed up, not getting involved in the fight, but many questions on his mind about this.


"So what universe are you from? Are you straight up evil or do you think you have good intentions?" Strange asked.

The men circled one another, except one had a sword and the other had a cloak with worthless stones, for now.

"838. Last time I saw you, you left me in the ditch of a building while Maximoff killed my fellow members. Now you're working with the witch?" Mordo asked.

"Variant of her, yeah. And this time, I don't even care if she kills your fellow members cause you guys keep coming after America." Strange shrugged.

"I have no need for the girl, and I wouldn't say they are my fellow members. I'm just here cause I was promised revenge on the people that killed my actual friends."

"I assume that's us?"

"You're so smart."

Mordo ran at Strange and Strange's first instinct was to summon a portal, then halfway through Mordo's sword swinging at him, he realized he couldn't do that.

He leapt out of the way, receiving a painful cut in his leg that made him limp.

Well this ought to be fun.

"Can we not do this now? It feels like a very unfair fight." Strange said, using his cloak to wrap his leg, still concealing the stones in a pocket of the cloak.

Mordo stood at the other side of the room, watching him curiously since he seemed more annoyed rather than mad, and mad is kind of what Mordo wanted him to be.

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