35) What to do?

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Another day passed, and Wanda refused to be stuck inside of the couch room any longer.

She wore a coat, nothing too heavy, and new sweatpants so she wasn't shivering, but other than that she looked good as new.

Her face probably had the most damage, dealing with frostbite. Thankfully they mostly just looked flushed.

Her fingers also had frostbite, but considering the amount of times she attempted her magic and received burns in response, the frostbite wasn't the issue.

"He's building an army, and he needs America's power to finish it." Loki finished recapping what all he could about his and Wanda's adventure with the variants.

"So if my variant is killed, I need to figure out how to break this burn curse she put on me." Wanda sighed.

"It's just on your hands currently, correct? Only the place that your magic is touching is getting burned?" Strange asked.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"We're getting off track, we need to figure out how to kill this man and get him out of our universe." Wong said.

"We can't kill him." Loki said, cutting him off. "Or well, if we did, another version of him would come in and take over, possibly unleashing a stronger variant of him."

"So then we need to trap him. Make sure he can't terrorize this universe then." America suggested.

"If we find his gauntlet, we can lure him in." Strange added.

"Or America could be bait."

Every turned and glared at Loki, even Wanda, and he held up his hands in a fake 'sorry' motion.


"We need to find the gauntlet first." Wanda said. "Sylvie apparently gave it to someone and Kang thought Loki or I got it, which I assume is why he went after us."

"So then we find Sylvie." Strange said.

"Only thing is, we don't know where she is. The Wanda variant claimed she was in Asgard, but they didn't know what time. But if Sylvie really is taken by the TVA, I would assume it's somewhere more secure than Asgard." Loki explained.

"It's worth checking out." Wong said, rubbing his chin.

"First, shouldn't we figure out how to trap him? I mean, if we get Sylvie or the gauntlet, he's gonna find out." America added.

"You could send him through a portal." Strange said.

"If I send him out of this universe, wouldn't another variant come in? It would be the same effects as him dying, right?" America asked.

"That does seem capable." Strange took back his previous statement.

"I made a whole pocket dimension once and the only time people broke out were when I let them. Maybe we could trap him like that." Wanda suggested.

"If his variant was responsible for making the TVA, it's possible he'll have tempads, machines, and more items that would allow him access to get out." Loki replied.

"That is true." Wanda paused.

"I wish we had the time stone. We could trap him in a sort of time loop." Strange muttered.

Wanda's eyes lit up.

"Then let's get the time stone! We could combine our magic, Asgardian, Sorcerery, and Chaos magic, make our own pocket dimension, and use the infinity stones to secure it. Not even Kang can overpower all of that, right?" Wanda suggested.

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