10) We have to get out.

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The storm had slowly settled so the three weren't running for their lives anymore. Wanda and the blonde walked at a similar pace and Loki was running after them after he was thrown of course a few moments ago by a fire blast. Even if the storm was mostly over, there were still a few falling rocks.

"So if you don't like going by Loki, what am I allowed to call you?" Wanda asked.

"Sylvie." The blonde replied.

"That's pretty." Wanda smiled.

Sylvie didn't reply.

Loki finally caught up to the two and stood on the left side of Wanda, while Sylvie was to Wanda's right.

"So what's the plan?" He asked, pretending that he wasn't out of breath.

"There's a town near here. And can you shut up?" Sylvie replied, not bothering to look at him. "Just because I have to work with you doesn't mean I want to hear your voice."

"Alright well slow down, variant." Loki rolled his eyes.

"What part of imminent death confuses you?" Sylvie quickened her pace and Loki grunted before speeding up as well. "And don't call me Variant."

"I'm sorry but I'm not calling some faded photocopy of me 'Loki'."

"Good. Cause that's not who I am anymore. I'm Sylvie now."

"Oh so you changed your name, brilliant."

"It's called an alias."

"It's not very Loki-like."

Wanda rolled her eyes. She had a minute of peace, and that was when Loki got stuck behind that fire rock.

"Yeah? What exactly makes a Loki a Loki?" Sylvie scoffed.

"Independence, authority." He turned to smirk at the two women. "Style."

"So naturally you went to work for the boring, oppressive time police." Sylvie replied

"I don't work for them. I'm a consultant."

"You don't know what you want."

"Oh yeah? What about you?" Loki asked. "Your years-in-the-making plan was to tear the place down, create the ultimate power vacuum, and then just walk away." Loki shrugged.

Sylvie gave a shrug in reply, not saying anything.

Loki stopped walking to finish his thought while Sylvie and Wanda continued.

"I'd never have done that." He claimed.

Sylvie turned around as she walked.

"Yeah? Well I'm not you. Can we get on with this now?" She turned back around and continued.

Wanda turned and looked towards Loki, not saying anything as she walked.

Loki sighed.

The three continued walking through the pink planet, looking at the abandoned homes, the destroyed vehicles. Still no glass anywhere.

"I wonder what currency these people use." Wanda commented.

"What do you mean?" Loki asked.

"I don't know. If I was to have a home after all this is done and over with, I'd like some money." Wanda replied.

Sylvie scoffed.

"Midgardians." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey! I don't need to steal stuff every time I'm out and I'd like to not have to." Wanda defended herself.

𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora