5) Gear Up

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Loki and Wanda sat at next to each other at a desk. Loki's legs were up on the table and Wanda's legs were on his lap.

"I thought that his assigning us to this variant problem and getting us out of those ridiculous jumpsuits meant we would be going on some sort of mission, not stuck learning a bunch of TVA bullshit." Wanda grumbled.

"Okay y'all! Let's review what we've learned." Miss Minutes said cheerfully. "What happens when a nexus event branches past red line?"

"Very bad things." Loki replied.

He was reading what Wanda assumed was a fake- or original technically magazine, but honestly she hadn't read the cover.

"Alright, Wanda what is it?" Miss Minutes turned.

"When the TVA can no longer fix or reset the Nexus event." Wanda replied with a sigh.

"Right! And that would lead to the destruction of the timeline and the collapse of reality as we know it."

The orange, translucent clock figure stood on the table between the two. She was about a foot tall with white gloves and black legs. Everything else was orange.

"Can you here us?" Loki asked, putting the paper down. "Are you a recording or are you alive?"

"Uhh sorta both!" Miss Minutes chirped.

Loki nodded. "Ah."

He quickly sat up and went to hit the recording with his paper. Wanda's legs jerked back a bit so he wouldn't crush her legs and she quickly scooted them under the desk.

"Watch it! Where's your manners!?" Miss Minutes exclaimed as she jumped away from Loki's paper.

Loki smiled like a kid and attempted at hitting her again, causing her to jump to the other side of Loki, then on a stack of books.

"Hey! Quit it!"

Loki attempted at hitting her again and Wanda rolled her eyes.

Miss Minutes jumped to the small computer on the desk and pointed her finger at Loki.

"That is not nice."

Miss Minutes then transformed and formed into the screen on the computer.

"Jerk." She muttered.

"You can't hide in the computer." Loki frowned.

Wanda chuckled.

"Training goin' well?" Mobius asked as he approached the pair.

"Loki scared the clock lady." Wanda replied.

"Is that my jet ski magazine?" Mobius asked, pointing at the paper in Loki's hands. "Put it down. Come on, gear up."

He handed Wanda a package, then Loki a package as well.

"There's been an attack, let's go."

Wanda smiled and took the package. "Finally."

She and Loki both opened theirs. Loki's was significantly smaller than her's, which made Wanda a bit confused. Loki pulled his out and it was a jacket with the word VARIANT written on the back.

"Put it on." Mobius encouraged.

He did and it fit him nicely.

"Good. Yeah. Smart." Mobius nodded.

Loki didn't seem to notice the print on the back of it, and Mobius gave a look to Wanda that said ‘don't tell him’, so she didn't.

"You too Wanda." He said.

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