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As fighting between the pro Heroes and the villains continued, the tower was receiving great casualties, but Akuma and Slash had no knowledge of this since they were in the upper floor where it was the most quietest but sometimes they'll feel the ground shake a bit, as those two guarded Mio who was sitting down with her hands tied behind her back, they begin to wonder what was actually going on just below them.


"Hey, what do you think is going on down there?"


"I don't know but whatever it is, it's getting bad real quick."


"Oh yeah and what makes you say that?"


"The ground is shaking a lot more than usual, and I'm starting to hear distance explosions."


"Then if that's so, let's go down there and check it out."


"We can't do that."


"Why the hell not!?"


"Because we have orders to stay here and guard Mio until the others return, so we're not going anywhere until everyone else is here got it?"

Slash looks at Akuma angrily, but soon looks away as he begins to walk to the other side of the room, after that Akuma looked over at Mio who has her head down, Akumu goes ahead and proceeds to walk over towards her, as soon as he reached her he kneeled down and raised his right hand to place on her head but right when his hand was about to touch the top of her head she moves it away, so Akuma closest hand away and placed it down.


"Mio, can you talk to me?"

She doesn't respond back to him or even look at him at all, which he understood her reason of doing so.


"All right if you're not going to talk just listen to me, when I went to UA today I saw your brother and I told him that you were safe."

Even saying that there is no reaction from her, instead she continues ignoring him, so Akuma gets up and was about to turn around to walk away, but he suddenly fucked a hand grab him on his right shoulder, turns his head over towards that direction and sees Slash.


"Hey, I think there's someone coming up from the steps."


"Are you sure?"


"I'm positive."


"All right I'll go check it out."

As Akuma turned his back to Mio and Slash, he then proceeded to head towards the stairs that led up to this floor, but as he was walking away Slash looked over at Mio and grinned, so he goes ahead and kneels down in front of her, seeing that she's not looking at him, Slash goes ahead and forcefully grabs her from under her chin with his left hand, from doing that he makes her look at him, but as he was looking at her, he noticed that she had a tough expression on her face, fucking obviously tell that she was acting.


"Hmm, you're a tough one huh?"

Slash reaches his right hand down to his thigh where he then pulls out his knife from its holster, after doing that he then places the flat part of his knife on Mio's right cheek, was she shows an ounce of fear in her eyes.

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