The Girl Who Became A Demon

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After returning back to the Tower from Akuma's day out with Mio, he went up to the rooftop of the Tower and leaned against the railings where he stared out at the night city, but as he continued looking out at the city he the rooftop door being opened and Oni stepping outside, with his back turned Oni expects that his guard down ay took this opportunity to use her quirk to teleport right behind Akuma where she then raptor arms around Akuma's body to surprise him.



From doing that Oni expected a surprise reaction From Akuma, but there was no reaction for what she did, instead he continues looking at leaded city


"Hey Oni."

Akuma places his left hand over Oni's hands which were on his abs.


"(Sigh) it seems that your guard is always up."


"Well of course it is, there's no way I can put it down since I'm a villain after all."


"I guess you're right."

Oni rests her head on his back and continues holding him, from doing so she can feel the heat from his body which felt very welcoming.


"You're so warm Akuma, I just don't want to let you go."


"If you don't let me go then we're most likely going to stay here all night and catch a cold."


"Hehe, you may be right about that, but still I don't want this moment to end."

As Akuma felt Oni's grip getting tighter around his body he then heard her starting to cry against his back, so he removed her arms from his body and quickly turned around to see that there was tears running down her face which she tried hide from him.


"(Sniffling) D-don't look..."

Akuma ignored what she said and placed his left hand over her right cheek where he then used his thumb to wipe off a tear from her eye, he wiped off the tears from her left eye as well, after Oni's face was clear of tears she looked up at Akuma.


"Oni, I have never seen you like this, what's wrong?"


"I-I'm sorry, it's just that when I held you and felt your warmth, it just reminded me of my dad, and how warm he was."


"I see, do you want to talk about it?"


"I don't know?, It hurts too much just to think about it."

From hearing that Akuma remembered what the overseer told him one time when he didn't want to talk about something that hurt him.


"It's always best to let out what hurts you than to keep it in and let it continue hurting you."

Hearing those words come from Akuma, moved Oni and chose to treasure those words deep in her heart.


"All right, but first I want us to sit on the floor."


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