Time To Fight

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After a single week passed, it was finally time for the Hall of Demons, The Plague and The Eclipse to return back to the flight, but with a trick under their sleeves, as they were in the woodland areas near City, they began preparing themselves for the fight that's to come, but as each villain was getting ready, Akuma noticed that Kaori wasn't around, so he began looking for her around the area, until he eventually found her on top of the hill looking over at the city that's going to be attacked very soon, he walks over towards her and places his right hand on her left shoulder, which she then got startled from having his hand grab her all of a sudden, Kaori looks over and sees Akuma who was the one to grab her, from knowing that it was him she soon comes down.


"You all right?"


"Y-yeah I'm just fine, you just startled me that's all."

As Akumu was looking at her face, he can tell that something was wrong.




"Yeah what's up?"


"Are you scared?"

From hearing him say that, she looks away from him and knew that he saw right through her.


"So you knew huh?"


"Yeah, and I wonder, are you ready to go down there and do what has to be done?"


"Hehe, well I guess we're going to have to see."


"Yeah I guess so, now come on, everyone's nearly ready and will be moving out soon."


"All right, right behind you."

They then begin walking down the hill and heading back to all the other villains, for a while they were walking over there, Kaori noticed Akuma reaching inside of his jacket and pulling out a mask, where he then began to place over his mouth.


"What's up with the mask?"


"It helped me hide half of my face from the heroes that don't know who I am."


"Oh I see, so do I get a mask?"


"Sorry I don't have any to spare."


"Whatever, I don't really want to hide my beautiful face anyways, hehe."

After that short conversation they soon arrived back at the crowd of villains, who are now ready to go, so each villain began forming up into there designated groups that was being led by one of the generals, The Eclipse, or The Plague, after all groups were formed, they began heading towards different sides of the city from the woodland area, once all the groups were in their positions, they then proceeded to march into the city at the same time, as soon as all the villains stepped foot in the city, a beam of blue light that was in the center of the city shot into the sky and began to form a force field around the city, just like the last, but this time they were prepared to deal with it, at a nearby electric tower that was surrounded by woodlands, was a tent that was just right under an electric tower, and in that tent was Gizmo, who was seeing a forcefield being formed around the city through a drone.


"So that's the force field huh?, It's not really that impressive as I thought, well no matter, it's time to for me to work my magic."

Gizmo takes out her laptop from her bag and place it onto the floor was she then opens it, after that she cracks her necklace and gets right into work, once her fingers started touching the keys, she began moving her fingers very fast without even looking what she was typing in, instead she was fully focused on to the monitor screen, and in just 2 minutes and a single press of the enter key, she was then finished on what she was sent here to do.


"Well done my job, now it's all up to Big bro Akimitsu and his friends."

Back at the city where the force field was nearly finished forming, it suddenly disappeared alongside with the blue beam of light as well, once the force field was completely gone the heroes in the distance were completely shocked about this and didn't know what happened, but they soon realized it must have been the villains doing, after hearing echoes of cheering coming from the city, from hearing this the heroes grew angry from knowing that the villains outsmarted them, so even though the force field wasn't around the city, they begin heading into the city to try to fight against the villains with everything they got, so large numbers of Heroes ran to each part of the city to find the groups of villains, as one of the large number of Heroes was running through the north side of the city, they soon found one of the villain groups which was quite small and was being led by Akuma, the large number of Heroes began charging straight at them, which made the small group of villains scared, but unlike them, Akuma wasn't scared at all, so he began walking towards the large number Heroes alone with his knife gripped into his right hand, and the intentions to kill, but off the corner of his right eye, he noticed that he wasn't walking along the whole time, Kaori was walking with him the whole time, and with both of her hands covered in purple flames, from seeing her prepared to fight with him, he grinned under his mask and looked right up ahead.


"So are you ready Lotus?"


"Ready as I can never be Akuma."


"Then let's do this."



Suddenly they both began running straight towards a large number of Heroes without any fear, as they were about to clash against one another, Kaori used her flames to make a flaming wall which caused the heroes to stop charging, but as the heroes looked at the wall of purple flames right in front of them, Akuma suddenly jumped through the flames and landed on top of a hero where he then stabbed right through the chest and pierced his heart which immediately killed him, after doing that he gets up and looks at the other Heroes as he points his blood covered knife right at them.


"Who's next?"

After hours later, the heroes that attempted to stop the villains were now dead, but even though the heroes were dead, Oni was a bit worried about Akuma's group, since he had one of the smallest groups, so she alone went to the north side of the city, which didn't take her too long to arrive at, as soon as oni turned a corner to a street, she was completely speechless from seeing Akuma and Kaori standing in the middle of hero corpses that littered the ground they stood on, many of the heroes that were on the ground were either in a pool of blood or completely charred with bits of purple flames coming off of them.


"(Panting) so is this how it's like to kill hero?


"(Panting) yeah pretty much."


"(Panting) then I can probably get used to this."


"(Panting) good because there's more Heroes to deal with."

~To be continued~

The Son You Never KnewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora