They Have Returned

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Now that the Hall of Demons could disable the force fields, they're on slaughter against the heroes continue, with many Heroes dying and cities turning into ruins, more villains that were inspired by the Hall of Demons began joining them in the fight, so each General and leader began getting many new villains in their groups, especially in Akuma's group that started getting even larger compared to Oni's group, who is now the second largest, but she wasn't bothered by that at all, instead she was very proud of him for being such a great villain, that she knew he'll become, so with many villains now joining the Hall of Demons, The Plague, and The Eclipse, they're purge against the heroes in every city was much faster compared to the last cities they previously attacked, but as they were doing this, the top pro Heroes were preparing themselves for the biggest fight they will ever have, begin putting on their old Heroes enjoying their new pro Heroes.

~old Todoroki household~

In the household of Enji (Endeavor) and Rei, things were quiet, as Endeavor set alone in the living room he began thinking of the past, of when he thought his oldest son, Toya (Dabi) was dead, but soon came to realize in the future, that his son he thought was dead, was actually still alive and was was a villain because of him, from remembering that he places his left hand over his eyes and began feeling regret for what he did back then, but as he was regretting the past, the thought of Kaori ran through his mind, from that happening he lowers his left hand from his eyes and clinches it into a fist, he gets up from the couch and proceeds to leave the living room and walk into the hallway where he then began heading to his home office, as soon as Endeavor approached the door of his office he places his big right hand onto the doorknob where he then opens it all the way and steps inside, after that he approaches a large red sheet that is covering something, he grabs it and yanked it down and reveals his old hero suit inside of a glass display cabinet, he opens the glass door and proceeds to take his hero suit off of the stand and begins putting it on, after he had his old iconic suit on, he left his office and proceeded to head to the bedroom, once he was standing in front of the door to the bedroom, he grabbed on to the handle and proceeds to open the door very slowly, once the door was fully opened he stepped inside and saw his wife Rei laying on a hospital bed completely unconscious and hooked up to equipment That is stabiling her health, he walks over towards her and stands on the right side of her, Endeavor brushed the hair of her left ear.


"Rei, I'm sorry but I must be going now, I'll call your nurse to come take care of you until I come back, so goodbye for now."

Endeavor leans in and kisses Rei on her forehead, after he did that, he then proceeds to walk away from her bed and head straight to the door, as he was closing the door on his, he suddenly hurt something that he thought he'll never hear in his life.


"Come home soon."

From hearing this, he doesn't look back at her, instead he smiles.


"I will."

Endeavor closes the door on his way out and proceeds to head towards his front door, as soon as he was outside of his house, he takes out his phone from his pocket and dials in a number, as soon as he did that he place the phone against his ear, as soon as the number he dialed stopped ringing, he spoke.


"Shoto, I'm calling to join into the fight with you and the others."

From Endeavor making that call, Todoroki grins on knowing the real reason why he's joining all of a sudden.

~Aizawa's household~

Inside the household of Aizawa, he sat down on the couch watching news reports about the villains that are causing havoc amongst the cities, but as he was sitting on the couch, Eri was watching the TV from doorway into the living room, hearing what is happening out there made made it quite upset with herself, from being safe and sound in a house that is far from any City, so she goes straight towards her room, once Eri was inside her room she went over to her closet and opened it, she then proceeds to move her clothes aside and places her left hand on closet wall and presses down, from doing that a hidden compartment is suddenly opened in her closet, and inside that compartment was her hero suit hanged up, she takes a long look at it and proceeds to remove it off of its hanger, but as Eri was holding it in her hands she suddenly heard a knock at her door, she turned over towards her door and sees Aizawa, standing in the doorway.

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