In Need Of Your Help

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Ever since the live footage of those nine heroes executions was broadcasted through all of Japan, many people were showered with fear, especially the heroes who were left terrified to know that a fate like this could happen to one of them at any time, so to prevent any of this the heroes increase their numbers in each City, they were sure that this would be able to stop the villains from doing any harm to the heroes and the city, but they were so wrong, a week after the first city was attacked, another city was unexpectedly, the heroes did their best to try to fight off as many villains as they can, but they were completely outnumbered and outpowered as well, as other top pro Heroes arrived at the city, hours later it was the same has the first one, many buildings have suffered many casualties and all the heroes that were in the city were dead, and civilians were completely left on harmed with not a single scratch on any of them, after that another city was attacked unexpectedly and many Heroes were killed as well, this continued week after week, so the board of Japan had civilians quarantine themselves in their own houses and avoid heading into the cities, they even ordered all of the top pro Heroes of Japan to gather together and figure out a way to stop this threat, but as all of that is happening, the heroes in training were all quarantine in their dorms and weren't allowed to leave school grounds unless authorized, so the only thing they can do was just watch everything happened on the news and their social medias.

~1A dorms~

In the dorms of class 1A, some of the students were gathered in the living room, want a few of them were locked in their rooms.


"Why are we still here?"


"Well to answer your question bro, we're quarantine of course, so you can't go anywhere."


"I'm not talking about this idiotic quarantine, I'm talking about why we still here when we should be out there trying to stop those villains!?"

Everybody looks at Fumiaki, and some of them are questioning the same thing, but the others that are not know the reason why they are not out there.


"Because we aren't ready."


"How could you say that when we clearly are, we've trained ourselves day in and day out, all of us have even earned our hero license now so we should be out there, instead of locked up in here!"


"I agree with Fumiaki, we should be out there!"

As Ikue stood up from the couch just to say that, Machi grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him back to a seat on the couch.


"That's enough from you idiots, like Kaito said, we aren't ready for a threat like this!"


"And what makes the both of you so sure about that!"


"Oh we're sure, because we know if we go out there then we're just going to get ourselves killed!"


"She's right, those villains out there aren't like any other villains that we've seen Fumiaki, they're aiming to only kill Heroes no matter who or what they are, they're going to end up killing them, so it's best that we stay put."

Fumiaki looks over at his brother and stares at him with anger in his eyes.


"How could you say something that stupid, our mother and father are out there risking their lives at this moment, and you're saying we should just stay put!?"

The Son You Never KnewDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora