A Ghost Of The Past

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After spending a couple more days with the Hall of Demons it was finally time for Akuma to go on his very first mission, the mission was just to get load up some weapons that were dropped off at the docks, so Oni brought Slash, King, Akimitsu, Akuma, and four of her soldiers on this small mission, once they're ready they got onto a truck and begin to head over to the docks, Akuma began wondering on how he's going to be helpful on this mission due to him not having a weapon at all.


"Hey Slash give me one of your knives."


"Hell no."


"Oh come on Slash just let him borrow one at least."


"How about you give him one of yours then?"


"Can't only brought one gun, how about-"


"Not a chance."


"Well there goes that option, sorry Akuma we don't have any spare weapons for you right now, but you don't have to worry about anything usually this small missions have a little bit of guards that any of us can take out easily."


"(Sigh) It's all right, I'll just use my fist."

An hour later they made it to their, they park the truck outside of the docks which makes everyone get off the truck.


"Okay boys we're here, now before we get in I need to two people to stay here and watch the truck, so those two will be King and Akimitsu."


"Aww man really?"


"Yes now shut up, me, Akuma, Slash and the others will go into the warehouse where the weapons are located, once we see that everything's all right we'll contact you to bring the truck over got it."


"Yes ma'am."


"All right let's move out."

Oni, Akuma, Slash and the other villains began to cut through a fence and sneak into the docks, they saw a couple security guards in their way but Oni slice them down by teleporting behind them, they soon made it to the warehouse that was connected to the ocean, once inside they saw a cup of security guards roaming around, Slash and when on opposite sides and took care of the security guards, Akuma stayed with the other villains to not get spotted, once elastic security guard was taken down they began searching the crates to see which one were the weapons, as everyone was searching for the weapons Akuma notice something right behind the crate, he goes over to it and squash down to pick it up, once he picked it from the ground it was a bright red feather."


"What's a Red feather doing here?"

As soon as he said that one of the villains screamed in the distance, Akuma runs over to see what happened, he looked around and didn't see the villain that screamed, as he was searchingn Oni, Slash and the other villains showed up.


"Akuma what happened?"


"I don't know, I heard a scream and came over here but there was no one here."

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