The Burning Truth

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Now that Gizmo was working for the Hall of Demons, she had much work to do, so while the Hall of Demons are busy in their Tower, Kaori was at pop's, drinking an espresso, while Pops is waiting for her response on the expresso he served her.


"Ahh, you really have outdone yourself on this espresso Pops, it's delicious."


"I'm glad it is to your liking, but I think you should be going now."


"Aww, kicking me out already."


"No I would never kick you out, I'm just telling you that you should go since you shouldn't be here at the first place."


"Yeah I know that, it's just that I need to leave that damn dorm sometimes."


"I see, but you have to return there or else people might come looking for you, and I am certain that is the last thing you want, am I correct?"


"You sure are, fin I'll be on my way."

Kaori gets off the stool she was sitting on, and begins to head over towards the door.


"You be safe out there."


"I will, see you around Pops."

She then opens the door and walks out of Pop's Cafe, after that she didn't begin to walk back to UA, but as Kaori was walking through the empty streets, she looked up at the star covered sky and smiled.


"It's really a beautiful night, too bad no one's around to see it."

Hours later she's soon returned back at UA's campus, she made her way to the dome district and headed straight towards the 1A dorms, and she was approaching the building she noticed that none of the lights weren't on, which meant everyone must have been fast asleep asleep already, Kaori smirked at this and quickly headed to the front doors, where she then opens quietly and stepped inside, she looked around in the dark room but didn't see a single person.


"Hehe, good no one's here, now I can just go back to my room and no one will know I even left."


"Is that so?"

As she attempted to make her way to the elevator, she soon stopped after hearing Fumiaki's voice, and she turned around the lights went on and she was faced with Fumiaki, Yamato, and the other students of her classroom.


"(Sigh) great."


"Yes this is great, now everyone can see that my suspicions were correct."


"Well I guess you were right bro, now can we all go back to our dorms."


"No, not just yet, I want to know where she's been going this late at night."


"That's none of your business, now be a good hero and fuck off."

Fumiaki grows angry from hearing her speak to him in that way, so it begins to approach her and gets right in her face to intimidate her, but she wasn't the slightest intimidated by him at all.

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