Chapter 27: The Piggyback

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"Fuck off, I don't have time for irrelevant people," I say as the brown haired boy chuckles while putting down the broken wooden plank.

"Why? Do you need to go to your ginger friend? You-" I interrupt him, punching his stomach as he wails in pain.

I put my leg behind his, and forcefully push him down, unlucky, he rapidly gets up and hits my face, cutting my lip.

"Son of a bitch," I say, before roughly throwing a last punch as he finally fall down with blood all over his face while I heavily breath.

I quickly start running back to the house, jumping by the window before running upstairs, when I get to the last floor,  I meet Erica again, as she fearfully looks at me, while I tried to ignore the pain.

"I can't open it!" she says with a scared tone, as I panted.

"Stay back," I say as she nods, while I step back too, before hitting the door with my shoulder as I repeat my action a couple of times.

I step back again, feeling a sharp pain in my left shoulder, before forcefully hitting the door and it fortunately slams open, as I stop myself from falling.

I rapidly run up the stairs and look around the room, seeing Lucas on his feet while Jason unconscious. I raise my head, noticing Max hanging in the air.

I couldn't even think about something, as Max's left arm snaps.
My heart drops.

"Max!" I yell my lungs out as tears start forming in my eyes while I watch in horror with wide eyes, not believing that it was happening.

Right after, her legs snaps with her right arms, as tears were already falling down my face as I watched the person I care for the most, being taking away, as I couldn't do anything about it.

Suddenly her body starts falling down as I quickly catch her while falling on the ground.

"No, no, no, please, no," I mumble as tears kept running down my face while holding Max in my arms.

"Please, Lucas! Call someone! An ambulance! Please!" I shout at him as my voice cracked, while he does as told, running out of the room with Erica.

"Y/n.." I hear Max saying, as I quickly glance back at her while crying, "Yes, Max, tell me, I'm here," I answer while holding her tightly.

"I.. I can't feel or," she talks before gasping, "See anything," she continues her sentence while struggling, bloody tears covered her cheeks, as her irises were white and her face was facing the ceiling.

"It's okay, Max, please don't worry, I- It'll be fine," I say between sobs, as I miserably look at her.

"Hold on, Max, just hold on, we're going to get you some help, alright?" I say, trying to assure her while I, myself was panicking.

I can't bare seeing her like this, it makes me feel so sick, why her? She doesn't deserve this and yet she's there suffering, while I should be the one in her place. Why not me?

"Y/n, I'm scared. Y/n, I'm so scared. I'm so scared." she fearfully says, as I felt worst every second listening to her suffering.

"It's fine, it's okay Max, You'll be fine," I say, still shedding tears, feeling my heart up to my throat, as she starts crying.

"I don't wanna die. I'm not ready." she cries out while shaking her head.

"You're not dying, I promised you, do you remember? Please, Max, hold on," I answer while holding her closer.

"I don't wanna go! I'm not ready!" she shakes her head, as I keep crying, "You're not going anywhere, you're staying with me!" I say, slightly raising my voice while panicking more and more while hugging her close to my chest.

"Max, please, Max! Max! Stay there, please, you can't go!" I shout as she stops answering while more tears came down my face, ignoring the fact that a gate starts opening, cutting in half the house.

"Max! I promised you! Please, don't leave me! Max!" I yell, choking back tears.

"Max! I- Hold on! Please! Come back!" I cry out with my head low, she didn't answer as I felt my heart shatter.

"You can't go! Max! Do you hear me? I can't stay without you!" I shout as it was all useless, she was lifeless in my arms. Max's body was laying lifeless in my arms.

Two days later.

I was sitting on a chair beside Max's bed, it was the second day already, and she is in a coma.
I quietly stay sitting beside the bed, just staring at her, no words would come out.

My eye bags are pretty visible, as my eyes are slightly red, I have bandages over my head and some patches around my face.

Lucas and Erica sat silently behind me, he has a swallow eye and some bruises, while Erica was luckily fine.

It all feels like shit right now, why can't we be like any average person living peacefully? It's been 3 years, and every time it got worse. It ended like this, Max ended up in a fucking hospital bed.

It's just all my fault, I can't even keep a promise. A simple one. I can't even win a fight properly, I should be able to instantly win against some fools like them, but I'm weak. I could've quickly won against them and helped her if I was strong.

I'm just so weak. She deserves someone who could actually protect her, maybe she would be safe right now.

Suddenly the door opens, revealing El, Will and Mike, as Lucas quickly gets up, "Oh, my God," he says walking up to them.

"We've been calling you guys like crazy," Lucas say while hugging Mike and Will.

"I know,"

"We came as soon as we heard," They both answer him before pulling away.

Lucas then hugs El, as she sadly looks at him, "I'm sorry," she says while pulling away.

Then they slowly walk to Max, glancing at me as I tiredly look at them.

"Do they know when she will wake up?" El asks, Lucas glances at me before I look down as he sighs, "No, they said she might not. Her heart stopped for over a minute, she died. I mean clinically but she came back, the doctors say it's a miracle. " Lucas explains as I inhale deeply, before glancing up at El as she looks at me with a expression.

She steps closer to Max, sitting on her bed before slowly grabbing her hand, "I'm here, Max."

A couple of minutes after they left, Lucas calls for me, "Y/n, look," he says, I turn around and see him pointing at the window while Erica was looking through it.

I notice some white particles coming down the sky, there's no way that's snow, and it looks too familiar.

Seconds later, I realize, and I slowly look back at Max.

Hoping she would wake up soon.

I literally cried all the tears I had while I was writing this. I hope you liked the story. :)

𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖. || M. Mayfield ||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن