#23 Muggle house

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"WHAT IN THE BLOODY BOILING HELL WAS THAT EH?" Ron asked a little to loudly and rudely but that was probably a little understanding. Draco had just given him the scear of his life his ears are still ringing from the scream.

"It's called the scream of the banshee Thay tent to scream like that if someone died or a dead body is nearby or something supernatural or personal is or is about to happen Thay can also use their scream as an weapon or protection but Draco tent to scream in his sleep if he's having a bad dream or he's having an vision of the future that something terabil is going to happen although it doesn't happen often so I'm a bit concerned about why he would just suddenly start screaming like that he hasn't screamed like that in years..."

Lucius said trailing off and concerned for his son.

Once morning came and Thay knew it was safe to start there travel towards Cristal falls Thay exited the cave and made there way south.

Harry still in his Demon wolf form refused to let Draco walk with how weak he's gotten over night Snipe explained that it was the child that was taking all Draco's energy and wouldn't stop until there born.

As Thay made there way through the thick forest each one holding there wand ready fore eneyting and fang keeping his guard up fore eneyting that could come out and attached them.

And without eney rest it was starting to take a toll on them. Thay wire starting to get hungry exhausted and cold. Thay needed to find shelter it was starting to get late and out in the open like this Ment eneyting could happen.   

But with after a while it was clear that they won't make it to Cristal falls at this rate.

Snipe made a fire as everyone sat around for warmth.


A stick broke under the weight of something or rather someone and on that note everyone was up with the domains holding the submissives close to them as a large wolf came Frome the the shadows bearing it's teeth while growling at them it's eyes never leaving Draco's stomach.

The wolf suddenly jumped at Draco only to be grabbed by the throat by Harry's clawed hand his giant claws digging into the wolf's neck with no mercy to be shone in his eyes the wolf struggle to get out of Harry's grasp as it's clawed paw made contact with Harry's face and scratched Harry's eye but that only caused Harry to tighten his grip on the wolf's neck before snapping it and dropping other wolf's lifeless Corp's to the ground

Harry's face was instantly grabbed into a warm and gently hold as Draco examined the now bleeding wound that made Draco quietly whimper.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist in a sort of way to try and comfort him.

Draco ran his hand gently along the side of Harry's face healing it wound to the best of his ability but still leaving a scare Draco leend his head on Harry's chest in a sort of way to try and get his energy back but only failed miserably as it only seems to make him more tired than before.

"How far is this little hide out of yours?"

Hagred ask no one in particular while eyeing the wolf's Corp's

"About a nother day and falf's travel seeing as we don't have eney other way of getting there than by foot"

Draco said trying to keep his body upright but instead just ended up being picked up by Harry whom still had his wounded eye closed


Ron exclaimed as he throws his hands in the air

"Ore maybe we could go to the Muggle world we do have a rather descant size house although it was more so suppose to be a holiday house I don't think thay would step foot into the Muggle world"

Draco said now trying to resist the sleep that so desperately try's to lure him in

"That could actually work"

Snipe said before taking Lucius hand and dragging him closer to the rest and started chanting with his eyes closed.

One moment they were in the forest the next they wire in a what Muggles would call fansy house...

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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