#8 short

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Draco was pulled out of bed by his two best friends Thay hugged Draco but before Draco could hug back he was pulled away from his friends and into the arms of Harry Potter Pansy was about to sreek but Blaz looked unhappy about Potter both of thim knew that Draco had a crush on Harry but Thay wasn't expecting this all of the sudden the door was slammed open and hitting Blaz in the face  M.r Malfoy Professor Snipe and Hagrid was both standing in the door way until M,r Malfoy's eyes landed on Harry and Draco "D-dad your awake!" Draco sed but right after he finished his sentence he was pulled out of Harry's arm's by his father but Draco wasn't expecting what happened next

M.r Malfoy punched Harry in his face it took both Professor Snipe and Hagrid to restrain M.r Malfoy Blaz was laughing uncontrollable Wille Draco had his hands on his mouth and Pansy looking at M.r Malfoy with a shock but amused look on her face Professor Snipe picked M.r Malfoy up and ceried him out the door soon Hagrid and the other two Slytherin's left to go get a room Leaving Draco alone with Harry Draco grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him to the bathroom Draco told Harry to site as Draco got the medical aid from the cabinet and started cleaning Harry's bloody nose Harry looked at Draco as Draco was busy cleaning the blood all Harry could think of was
how couldn't he have seen this side of Draco how could someone hate him if Thay don't even know him but Harry knew he Whould protect Draco with his life he knew that from now on Draco Whould be his first priority and he swore to love Draco no matter what happened and that he'll stay with Draco for senturies to come...

this was all I had in mind I know it's short but I will Mack the next chapter longer with more drama and a bit of action but let's not forget the little sparkle of love😌👌

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