#15 He is mine!

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Yes again this story is about Draco so it's a
Draco's p.o.v~

After the whole long ride of my father and Harry arguing and my father attempting to murder Harry two times we arrived at my secret tree house it's almost a Manson and the best part about it is that it's in a tree and the tree whount let eneyone I don't trust come neer the house! and the whole property is called Dracrys! Pansy Blaz Luna Hagrid Fang Harmiony And Ron was already inside the guest rooms since usually it's just me my dad and Snipe but my dad and Snipe shears a room together I really don't know why tho? I immediately walked to my room... Well I guess it's my and Harry's room now I climbed in bed following by Harry who basically fell ontop of me but we managed to fall asleep like that because Harry Whould't move off of me
I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name the voice sounded so familiar I just has to follow it the voice leaded me into the woods I cept walking till I stopped by my brother's grave my brother passed when I was still little in the beginning of Hoggwards right after his death it's when I started seeing things that I am not supposed to see things no one is supposed to see I started having nightmare's because of the things I see...

I turned around to see a big brown wolf with glowing red eyes I took a step back to run but a stick broke right behind me I froze and the wolf started growling at whom or what ever was behind me what ever was behind me started crawling back I felt two hands on my waist and a chest puch agents my back I could feel every muscle in whom ever was behind me's chest I tensed as whom ever it was licked my neck and pulled me closer as the wolf started to slowly walk closer to me and um who ever's behind me...

The pirson or atleast I hope it's a pirson puched me behind thim I saw a glimpse of the pirson's face and it was Harry!...

I knew right away that I Whould be knee deep in shit once this is over... Why you my ask well... Nomber one I snuck out. Nomber two I got myself in trobel. And nomber three Harry is just a plain asholl!.

Harry turned into his wolf for witch made me back up into a tree all of the sudden the wolf jumped on top of Harry and thay started fighting...

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