✨#20✨ It's a...

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Draco's p.o.v

I hade to listen to Harry complain about how my father will murder him and to be completely honest if he doesn't shut up now I will gladly help my father murder him because he's giving me a bloody headache!

"Father I have something to tell you and Snipe" I sed as I entered my father's office while draging Harry inside "Draco aren't you supposed to be resting?" My father asked as I and Harry took a seat "father we have something to tell both you and Snipe" I purposely sed we and just by that Harry tensed I find it funny that Harry is sceard of my father but Harrys stronger "father..." I sed as I puted the test on the table Harry tightened his grip on my hand as he looked at my father "Congrats Draco have you found out the gender yet?" Snipe sed with his hands on my father's shoulders ceeping him from standing up to grab his wand "you tatched my son" is all my father sed I could see the smoke coming from his ear's and he was as red as the Weasley's hair colour my father was glearing daggers at Harry Snipe sighed and took out his wand
"we'll see you two at dinner" snipe sed then preformed a spell that sended both Harry and I back to our room.

"Well that went good" I said looking at Harry but all Harry did was collapse on the bed with a sigh I layd down next to Harry but Harry just turned to me then rested his head on my chest and his hand on my stomach "So what do you think the gender is" I asked Harry and he just humed to my question "The gender doesn't matter love but we can still find out if you'd like ok"  Harry said while kissing my neck "Of course we need to know the gender Harry what colour do be make the room what clothes do we get what tipe of furniture and plus Luna and Pansy has a bet about what the gender is so we have to find out Harry" I sed and Harry just laughed at my response he stood up then helped me up and we made our way to the nursing room where all the nursing elf are
"Hallo M.r Draco and M.r Potter how may i assist you today" Bon bon asked me with a smile on her face
'Hallo Bon bon we would like to know the gender of our baby" I said and the blue haired elf looked slightly upset about something... "Alright M.r Potter come this way so we can see your child's gender" she said looking at Harry's stomach I had to put my hand on my mouth to stop myself from laughing because it kinda looks like he's the one expecting because of the big hoodie he's wearing and because my stomach is hidden behind Harry. Harry took off the hoodie revealing his way to tight t-shirt and muscle's I eyed his hoodie in his hands knowing I'm going to steel it once we're done here I stepped out from behind Harry showing my stomach and Bon bon's face lite up like a Christmas tree "OH THANK MIRLAN'S MAGIC YOU'RE THE ONE EXPECTING M.R DRACO!!!" she yelled before hugging me

"I'm sorry for my bad manners M.r Draco but it's just Malfoy are known to have butyful and very powerful children like yourself!" She said as she leted go of me "Thank you Bon bon but can we please get the gender now?" I said and she nodded her head so fast I was sceard it's going to fall off "Right come this way M.r Draco!" She said as she turned around then started walking I followed her but realised that Harry isent following with us so I hade to go back and pull Harry along with me he cept saying how he doesn't like Bon bon once we got to the room Bon bon showed us I had to lay down on a small white bed with a caldron next to it Harry stood next to me and Holded my hand
"alright but I must warn you M.r Draco this will drain your energy so you might feel sleepy and weake after this" Bon bon said and I just nodded my head then she started the spell a light started shining from the caldron and then a clear picture showed up from the caldron...      

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