#9 🦊running with a fox🦊

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After Harry was all cleaned up Draco spun around on his without a word and went back to the bedroom with Harry following him like a lost puppy Draco checked the time almost one in the morning way to urly to be awake Draco climbed back in bed soon joined by Harry snuggling up to him like a sceard little puppy on new year's eve but Draco ditent minded Harry spooning him from behind if Draco was completely honest he was way to tired to cear soon sleep ingalfed him...

Draco's p.o.v

I was running but I don't know what I was running from it was like I ditent have eney control offer my body but soon I stopped at an lake I walked closer to the water and looked at my reflection but it wasn't mine it was a fox's reflection I looked at my hands but instead of hands I saw paws... I started panicking I looked behind me and saw four really big brown wolf's coming out of the forest I ditent know what to do so I bolted I don't know were I was going I just know I had to get away from thim but I ran straight a trap and...and I was human again well sort of the wolf came out of the forest again and started walking closer to me "You can't excape your destiny my queen" one of the wolf's sed but before thay get closer an even bigger black wolf jumped infront of me and started attacking the black wolf chased thim away then came back to the trap the wolf sirceld the trap... I closed my eyes for the worst...

I opened my eyes and was sitting in bed with Harry's arm around my waist I looked at him for a few seconds then the bell for breakfast rain I shook Harry awake and we both went down to breakfast Harry was behind me with his arms raped around my stomach as we entered the kitchen I could hire my dad planning out ways to kill Harry if the dark lord couldn't kill him my dad sure could and probably Whould we all sat around the table the table and ate our breakfast but the glear my dad gave Harry once Harry putted his arm around my shoulder could kill but Harry just had to puce alittel further once he kissed my cheek my dad stood up grabed his wond and pointed it straight at Harry and started to chant the killing circe but Professor Snipe stopped my dad and took his wond away he wisperd Something in my dad's ear that made my dad sit back in his sleep we continue eating breakfast it was time to go wash up and get Reddy to go back to Hoggwards well not everyone Hagrid and my dad has to stay here because of the wolf's that are after me and my dad and because Thay know were Hagrid lives I stopped to say good morning to fang then I was off to go tack a shower I completely striped myself of my clothes then got in the shower I turned the shower on and just stood there until an uninvited pirvert joined me in the shower "What in mirlans name are you doing' I sed trying to hide my body from the pirvert's eyes "It's called saving woter' he sed with a smirk on his bloody face "No it's called you being a pirvert!!!" I sed and he just shrugged "Stop being a prat" he sed and I just gasped at what he sed "Me being a part for trying to save myself from a pirvert!" I sed as I got out of the shower and dit a spell to put on my clothes so I don't have to spend a nother minute with a pirvert! But before I could even get out of the bathroom Harry grabbed my waist and pulled me back towards him I turned around to see he was also now fully dressed "You are nothing more than an pirvert a dispekabil pirvert" I sed but I was soon Bing kissed by the pirvert that I have exeptid as my mate  but I know if my dad knew that...
I whount have a mate eney time soon

I just want to say thank you to those that have read voted or comment I really appreciate it😚

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