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Draco's P.o.v

Professor Snipe Harry I Pansy Blaz Harmoine and... Ron... made it back to Hoggwards in one piece thankfully we went about our daily lives like jusaull well except that Harry follows me EVERYWHERE! And whount let go of my HAND! And he and his friends came and sitted by the SLYTHERIN TABLE! And now everyone ceeps looking at us weerd and now the whole school thinks I and my friends putted a spell on thim since Ron Whould't stop following Blaz and Harmiony and Pansy's studying together whitch remindes me were heading to the library to find out more about their inharatan's because Harmiony's the only brain in the golden treo and aperantly I'm the only one with a brain in the silver treo whitch I find ironic because both Pansy and Blaz are exceptionally smart but Thay don't think before Thay act and that causes thim to get thimself in trouble and I'm the one whom get's thim out of trobel oh mirlan why do I feel it's going to be the same with Harry... And Ron's only going to get Blaz in more trouble and Pansy will pull pore Harmiony into trouble aswell I feel sorry for her but what can I say I've been stuck with them for years now and well I'm Juse to it by now

Once we got to the library I and Harmiony had to do all the work to find the book we're looking for but I ended up finding It Ron and Harry made a bet about whom Whould find the book first but I ended up going to Harmiony and told thim we found it together I looked thro the book and I  dit find Ron Blaz Pansy and Harmiony's creature inharatan's explanations... It was easy but I ditent find Harry's... Harmiony looked through the book again saying I must have missed it whitch is impossible because I read every single page and what Happened?...

Harmiony ditent find it either and yes I do take this as a small victory...

I went and putted the book back seeing as we ditent find eneyting about Harry but two book fell off a white one with green lining and a black book with red looking I picked thim up and a sort of shoke ran through my body like I was connected to the white book some how I turned the wite book over but all that was on it was righting 

"this story tellse the legend of the nine tail fox only those with eyes so clever and an minded of a trickster will be able to Weald the fox's power"

I red to myself I thought it was an interesting book so I putted both in my book bag I'll read thim later I walked back to the table were everyone was waiting to go to dinner...  

And of course the golden treo has to come and sit with us we got weerd looks from the Gryffindor table but one girl cote my eyes in particular it was Ginevra Wesley or os known as Ginny she was glearing at no one but me I dit my research and she did have a crush on Harry so I wanted to have alittel fun I have to atmit I was getting bored but since Harry is already following me around like a lost puppy and he just had to pull me onto his lape I think I'll kill two birds with one stone I leend back into Harry and turned my head so I could kiss his neck I left a small red mark but nothing big I smirked at the Weslet her face was almost as red as her hair she stood up and stormed out but something was hurting my butt I turned my head again but this time to wisperd in Harry's ear
"Harry your belt is hurting me" I assumed it was his belt so I wisperd but even to I couldn't see his face I knew he was smirking but why tho?

"That's not my belt love~" Harry sed and I was confused until he pushed me more down on his lape then realisation hit me like a broom stick hit Ron in first year I instantly turned as pink as Pansy's lipstick...    

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