#2 unknown pirson

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As Draco read in peace unaware of the crimson red eyes that stalked closer to him as much as the butterfly's that had rested in his hair Draco slowly rubbed the sleep away from his tired eyes with his sleeve that covered his hand

Draco did not want to go back to the Slytherin home room if it mean people will be stopping him from going to his room but it was almost after hours and if someone knew he was out here alone he'd be in serious trouble

Draco puted his book back into the book bag he had with a few other things in it and slowly made his way to stand cerfull not to fall but then his eyes lock onto pure crimson red once it was to dark to see who it was or what it was

Draco reacted on his instincts and started running he cursed at himself for not bringing his wand or a source of light fore a matter of fact

Draco was thankful the full moon lightened up his path so he could see but looking back was Draco's biggest mistake all he could see was the red eyes chancing him he turned his head back and started running faster but his foot got caught by a tree root sticking out of the ground and Draco tripped falling to the ground and hitting his head hard all Draco Gould see was a blurry fuger running towards him with the same red eyes as black spots clouded his vision and a voice yelling "DRACO" Draco let his eyes closed feeling hands on his back before falling uncontus in the warmth of the unknown pirson's arms...

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