#1 unaware

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As Pansy and Blaz dances along with the other guest's that Draco didn't even know was invited honestly he didn't even know that Pansy and Blaz had thrown him a siprise party for his birthday he didn't exactly want a party with All theses people around taking pictures of him and trying to Make small talk but once Pansy and Blaz had disappeared into the crowd of people Draco saw his Chance to escape and Maybe even get some time to relax and just breathe as that was actually what Draco wanted in the first place for his birthday Draco ever so quietly and sneaky sneaked out of Hogwarth and walked into the forest as Draco found the forest calming quiet and peaceful it's funny but Draco has been coming into the forest to relax ever since his first time in the forest with Potter Granger and Wesley along with fang and Hagrid even if it was a punishment for sneeking out after hour's even if it was to go looking for Unicorns Draco still visited fang after that night what can he say he grown quite attached to the poor dog although he isn't very fond of Hagrid but he does liked Hagrid in some sort of ways he likes Hagrid's stories Draco Whould sit and listen to his stories while petting fang and he Whould always laughed as Hagrid complaint about Draco turning fang soft...

Draco sitted under an Willow tree he found on his second day in the forest just the day after the punishment for sneeking out and he cept coming to the willow tree ever since.

The willow tree's branches is a light green and the wood is a bark brown it definately stands out from all the rest

Draco pulled out an book he had been wanting to read for days now but never had the alone time to do so.
it wasn't easy to read expesoly since it's night time already but the fireflies and glowing night butterfly's made it easy and and more pretty...

Draco peacefully read his book about legends and myths unaware of the crimson red eyes that had been watching him from a far distant's...

Love At First Bite)(bottom Draco x top harryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora