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You felt like a different person walking into the building

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You felt like a different person walking into the building. What you didn't expect was how kind people were being towards you. It'd be a lie to say you didn't enjoy the attention, having this many people care about you.

Though of course, it did attract those who made your trauma about themselves. People that hardly said a word to you acting like devastated life long friends. "You vulture bitches need to leave her alone" Javi snapped, pulling away from the group.

"Hey, thanks for having my back there Jam" You whispered, fiddling with your shirt. "Yeah no problem, god people piss me off" He said, shaking his head. Concern filled the boy's gaze, it was clear that you weren't fully mentally recovered from the attack. It frustrated him knowing that he couldn't do anything more than simply be there for you. You deserved more. He couldn't force the police to take the case seriously. He couldn't find and beat the shit out of the fucker that did this to you.

Lan watched you from afar. You looked the same and talked the same. But the air around you was different. It was glum, the spark dulled. He could even argue that you seemed more like him these days. But what he didn't expect was you to be back so soon. Lan truly believed after he shook you down that his infatuation would die. But that was simply not the case. Those strange feelings only heightened. You were fighting back, even if you didn't know it yet. He hardly saw you for 2 weeks. Stalking outside your home, in the backyard, looking through the windows. He only saw flashes of your figure through the curtain openings.

The amount of attention you were receiving was annoying. It was hard to get a good look at you without being surrounded by people. Normally all the positive attention would have drawn out a bitter streak in him. But this time around he was more focused on you. Sliding something into your locking, Ian hoped you enjoyed his little gift.

"I'm glad things have calmed down" You muttered to Maysa. "Yeah me too, must be super overwhelming" She said sympathetically. Maysa leaned against the lockers looking over the sea of students. You noticed a pale green envelope in your locker, curiously opening it.

Hey, Y/n I saw you, not at school though. That must have been a scary experience for you.

Stomach churning the letter was starting to give you a menacing feeling. "Ugh, I swear Tanner is staring at us right now. Would it kill him not to be a total cunt for one day?" Maysa said annoyance in her tone. But her words hardly registered as you kept reading.

It's a damn shame they didn't catch him either. Really must be scary knowing the person who tried to hurt you is still out there.

Your frown depends and this time the shorter girl noticed.

It's messed up, and I hope you feel better soon. Take care.

You immediately loosened up once you read the end of the letter. Altogether it didn't look too intimidating.

Maysa peaked over your shoulder "That's an interesting letter, I think I've seen that handwriting before thought". Putting it back in the envelope you turned around. "Maybe I'm still a little sensitive, but the beginning really threw me off" You sighed in relief.

"I don't really blame you after everything" Maysa said sympathetically. Walking down the halls you noticed Tanner eyeing you both. "On another note are you still helping out with the swim team?" She asked, changing the topic. Which you appreciated. "The coach said that it was fine if I still needed some time to adjust. I'll see how I feel at the end of the week" You noted.

"I'm glad Abbelina is able to give you a ride today, they are the best" Maysa said cheerily. You nodded in agreement. Take a seat on the grassy hill you pulled out your lunch. "Hey guys, the lunch line was super long today" Abbelina said.

You chuckled "Well I mean it is chicken tender day". "Pfft" Abbelina gave a small laugh. "I think Javi is still waiting for the chocolate milk" She said. "Speaking of Javi, is it me or has he been off lately?" Maysa commented, taking a bit from the roti. "It was a traumatizing night for him too" You gloomy said. Maysa put a comforting arm around you.

"We all know he can be overly harsh on himself and distant sometimes" The blue-haired girl said. "This reminds me of when his mom's got a divorce" Maysa pointed out.

"Y'all I'm here!" Javi said out of breath. It felt like normal times again, all of you eating lunch together again. Before life started to kick rocks. "Has anyone been bothering you a lot Y/n?" Abbelina asked, through mouthfuls of chicken.

"Tanner's been a freak as usual" Maysa inserted. "Wasn't he on your list Lina', he's been bothering Y/n from the start" Javi pointed out. "Wait you guys don't think" You said in shock. Abbelina looked at you all.

"Well..there's only one way to find out"

there's only one way to find out"

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*cue conspiracy soundtrack*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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