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"Yo Ajit the food is here" You called while opening the door. They came over to pay and tipped the delivery girl. Taking the Mexican food inside.

You poured m&m's into the popcorn bowl and brought them over to the couch. 

"The trailer for season 3 was so fucking crazy" Ajit said taking their Fajita wrap out. While you started on your meal and drink.

"I think Love's going to end up killing Joe once she finds out about the neighbor obsession" You commented after taking a sip.  

"Hey before we start the season, you should call the parents up" Ajit commented, seeing the frown forming on your face.

"Look I know you don't like talking to them but they still are your parents. The court ordered it. And if you want to keep staying with me, you have to do the bare minimum of interacting with them" They said sympathetically. You sighed taking your food upstairs.

"Look if it was my choice I wouldn't have them speaking to you at all" Ajit called out as you shut your room door.

You felt bad for reacting coldly to Ajit. They didn't deserve the brunt of your frustration towards your parents.

"I'm just gonna get this call over with and then apologize to Ajit" You said. Still feeling icky like your guilting father.

Here goes nothing

"Hi honey! It feels like it's been so long since we've seen your face" The candy rotting voice of your mother filled the room. Forcing an awkward smile on your face you responded.

"Yeah it does" You said seeing the old mint greens walls of the dining room in the background.

"We sent you some money for Christmas. I think that warrants some more calls more often" Your father, Salvin pointed out. You squirmed wondering if you were really obligated to do so. They sent enough cash for you to only have to use half the money you saved up to buy a laptop.

Maybe I do owe them that it was a lot money.. Wait fuck that's not okay for them do be saying that. There only going to try and manipulate me more if I give in, so I won't. I still feel bad though, even though I know what there doing. This is so shitty.

"Exactly some of the family wants to know what you're up to but we don't know. Makes us look like bad parents" Your mother, Calla complained. That's because you ARE bad parents.

"You know I've been so busy with school keeping my grades high" You bullshited hoping they'd drop the topic.

"If only you didn't fake your little breakdown, maybe all of our reputations in the community would be a little better" Your heart dropped at the casual mention of one of the worst nights in your life.

"But that's in the past and now everyone thinks you have a special scholarship and that's why you're staying with Ajit' She continued.

"You know that boy is such a little sneak using everything that happened to steal you from us, like his Mom" Your father cut in.

"They are not a boy, how many times do I have to tell you guys that they are non binary" You snapped.

You could handle the disrespect directed to you but not Ajit, never Ajit.

"Don't even think about using that tone against us just because you aren't living with us means that you can get all disrespectful" Calla said, dropping her sweet tone.

"You would never think of acting like this at home. If Ajit can't straighten you out then we can always take you back" He said tartly.

Biting your tongue you tried blinking away the forming tears. You never wanted to return to that house, after realizing how awful they really were once you got out. Both of your parents gave you that expected 'apologize or we will make everything worse' look.

"Why do we always have to argue every time we speak? How difficult is it to get along with everyone" Your mother said, but you knew this was a passive way of blaming you. Dad just nodded his head in agreement.

"I think Ajit is calling me, I'll call back soon" You lied, knowing damn well you ain't calling them back.

Texting Ajit that you were going on a run you left through the backdoor, so he wouldn't see how upset you looked.

You ended up smoking some weed into the evening air. Walking by one of the local food trucks. As you left you noticed someone getting up out of the corner of your eye. There was still some rare light out so you paid it no mind. You wandered from park fields to a more local area. You remembered where you saw that navy blue and white zip up.

Turning around you waltzed up to them grabbing their sleeve.

Lan nearly pissed himself due to shock.

He just happened to be by one of the food trucks, that he knew set up near your house. He learned all your usual paths and where you lived over the week. While Lan pondered over the new feelings that you were giving him. Seeing you a few times during all that he usually left once you showed up.

But today you looked downright miserable. And he had a 'normal' amount of questions and wanted to see what you would do. Not straight up interaction with you.

"Hey detention kid, noticed you've been going this way for a while" You said starting to feel lighter. You recognized him but he just seemed to freeze. With nothing but shock and maybe fear? On his face.

At that moment he thought it was all over. That you finally caught on to what he was doing. That every bit of control he had slipped out of his finger for good. That his life was  over and he really would be alone forever, but in a cell.

But you just stared at him expecting an answer. 

"Uh..Yeah why are you here?" Lan said, running a stressed hand through his brown hair. He noticed a familiar smell coming from you.

"My shithead parents making me feel like shit" You sniffed sneaking another hit. He definitely wasn't expecting that.

"I never wanna go back to them, they were so awful I just can't" You continued in distress.

"You wanna try" You offered after noticing him eyeing the blunt. What is going on, god why do I feel so..

He only took a few puffs not wanting to get stoned. You already high talked his ear about all the awful things they did. He knew a thing or two about bad parents, but man they sounded awful.

Never in a million years did he think that he would be able to relate with you of all people.

Never in a million years did he think that he would be able to relate with you of all people

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𝑨𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒆 [Yandere M. x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now