𝟷𝟶 || ᴡᴏʟꜰ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴏx

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The person was wearing a dark hoodie and had a rather thin frame

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The person was wearing a dark hoodie and had a rather thin frame. Nothing really out of the ordinary but you did walk a little faster. Javi's place was just around the block. Soon the stranger left your view as you slowed your pace. Then a ping from your phone alerted you. Another discord notification assuming it was Javi asking how far away you were, you opened it.

It was heart stopping–a photo of you at an odd angle right where you were standing. With a ':)' under it. You couldn't stop yourself from turning frantically, trying to find where the photo was taken from. The fear was suffocating. It felt like all your senses were turned on like a blaring car alarm.

Every rustle in the wind was someone following you. Every noise was someone getting ready to attack. The shadows became people watching you.

If someone was stalking you they'd be able to see how clearly overstimulated and emotional you were becoming. Anyone would be. God the look on your face in the low light had his chest bursting with excitement. It was a feeling he was willing to chase.

You manage to pull yourself together enough to start jogging away. Texting Javi frantically you prayed that he would respond soon.

That's before a tug on the back of your jacket had you staggering backwards. Almost dropping your phone you caught a glimpse of dirty blonde/brown hair. Lurching back you managed to shake your attackers hand off you. "Get off of me!!" You screeched at the top of your lungs. They seemed to hesitate moving, and you took that as an opportunity to fight back. Since they were still behind you. You struck your elbow into their shoulder as hard as you possibly could.

Letting out a grunt from the pain he loosened his grip. But once again before you could book it he pulled your hair back hard enough to where you stumbled back. Tears pricking the corner of your eyes from the pain and fear. At this point you both him tustling on the ground. With you repeatedly hitting his face screaming. And him panicking from not expecting you to put up this much of a fight. But him being the stronger one, was able to hold you down despite your kicking and punching.

It was like every regret you ever had was coming to surface. It felt like the end of the road. Your life just snuffed out by a random stranger in the middle of the night, body found who knows where. In missing posters, on the news, with your friends and family in tears. You didn't want it to end like this. Still struggling on the ground to get away from the man, you managed to get one arm free. What he didn't notice with you spitting and head butting him, was the hand that managed to pull a small bottle of pepper spray.

A single click is all you heard before he screamed from shock and pain. Hands instantly off you and wiping his face. Shoving him off and coughing from the fumes you sprinted away. With adrenaline pumping through your veins you finally managed to make it to Javi's home. It felt like you must have rang a million times before someone opened the door.

"Y/n sweetie what's wrong??!" His mother, Lupita exclaimed. Javi rushed down the stairs, hair still wet from hopping out of the shower at his mothers distressed voice. The boy stood in shock at the sight of you sobbing in his mother's arms as his sister also tried comforting you.

"What happened?!" Javi said, pulling you into a hug. Through the tears and sputters you told them what just occurred. "I'm going to call the police, '' Lupita said in an urgent tone. Taking you to the living room, Javi called Ajit to let them know what just happened. Swallowing his guilt, he read the missed messages from you while he was in the shower. "I'm so sorry Y/n" He said, voice shaking. You both just held on to each other till the officers arrived. With his familiar coconut conditioner comforting you.

"You are her legal guardian, am I correct?" One of the officers asked Ajit, who nodded in response. And who practically hurtled through the neighborhoods to get to the house after getting a call from Javi. Lupita made them all some herbal tea in order to calm everyone down. Ajit was standing up on your left and Javi, who hadn't left your side all night was to your right.

"Alright so you were outside at night by yourself right?" The stoned face officer asked. You said yes, wiping your nose with a tissue. "It's pretty late, why were you out to begin with?" The other police officer asked. Her tone rubbed you the wrong way but you answered. "I wanted to go out to my friend's house for a little bit. I've walked here before and never had an issue" You replayed.

"Do you normally go out to a boy's house at this time?" The other officer asked. Your jaw nearly dropped at his implication. "What the fuck kind of question is that?!" Javi said in anger, jumping to your defense. "Javi," his mother said in a serious tone. But you could tell she was fuming at what the officers had just said. "Officers, I work in a legal office and I don't see how this line of questioning is relevant. I'd appreciate it if you focus on the fact a teen girl just got attacked on the street, rather than whose house she was going to" Ajit said in an icy but respectful tone.

They shared a look before responding "We're just trying to put a picture of what happened together" The man said after clearing his throat. "Then do that" Ajit said curtly. Though the whole situation was awful it warmed your heart to see Ajit stick up for you like that. After some more questioning and interviewing Lupita, Javi, and Gia the cops came to a conclusion. "Well, there's not a lot we can honestly do with your main description being a man with dark blonde or brown hair" The woman said. "But what about the messages I've been getting?" You piped in. "We're going to need your phone to look through everything for evidence, but you'd have a stronger case if you had reported this earlier" The male officer said.

The shame you felt after he said that was burning, like everything that happened was your fault. You told yourself it wasn't true, who the hell could have seen this coming? Plus it's not fair to assume that everyone was out to get you, that's no way to live life. But the legal system has a way of shattering your faith.

"Since we don't know who attacked you. Or if the harassment and the assault have anything to do with each other at the moment there's not a lot that can be done. Besides filling out a report that is." He continued. "Are you serious? There's nothing you guys can do?" You said desperately. "I'm sorry there isn't, we'll ask you to come down to the station if there's anything else we need" The woman said. "This is some bullshit," Javi muttered, still holding your hand.

"Come on Sunshine, let's go home" Ajit said softly. Your eyes started to water at the nickname, they hadn't called you that since you were a tot. Ajit noticed and wrapped a comforting arm around you. "Thank you guys for looking after her" They nodded to Lupita and Javi. "We'll come visit you soon," Javi promised. Abbelina and Maysa had been blowing up the group chat and your messages since Javi filled them in on what just happened.

"Let's keep you home for a few days, till the dust settles" Ajit said, unlocking the door and lett you both back home.

We could all use a friend like Javi and family like Ajit✨

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

We could all use a friend like Javi and family like Ajit✨

𝑨𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒆 [Yandere M. x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن