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>Trigger warning body dysmorphia<

The teen put down the tower of kickboards with a huff. Wiping the moisture off her brow she wished the room was a little cooler. Y/n was a part time assistant of the coach. She got the coach's recommendation and applied, then by some miracle got the job. It was actually pretty convenient since it counted for her PE credits too. Most of the exercise she got was moving around equipment for the swim team.

The job wasn't half bad since most of the team were shy and awkward freshmen. She almost took on an older sister role to them, if it wasn't for the fact half the team had a crush on her. Her being a bad bitch she already knew that, of course, but took it as puppy love. It would be a lie to say she didn't enjoy the attention here and there.

Swimming was something she really enjoyed when Y/n was younger. But as she grew up and hit puberty that's when things took a turn. Hated changing in the locker room feeling like all eyes were on her. Even though it was just your own mind attacking you. You hated the stretch marks on your hips and breasts. Along with the amount of hair on your body.

It seemed like all the stress and self hate increased when you lived in that toxic home.

But when you started living with Ajit in a stable home full of support, things changed again. Little by little you started recovering.

Confidence slowly building back up until you could wear the swim uniform once again.

"Maybe I'll hop in once they start stretching" You pondered out loud.

"Or just jump in right now" Called out Damar with side grin. Only a freshman but he quickly became pretty well know around the school. He was a bold one you had to give him props for that.

Since her hair was already tied up and under the swim cap she didn't have a reason not to jump in. Pulling off her cover black cover shirt Y/n decided to take his offer.

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Watching you hop into the pool to do some laps as not part of his plans. He pissed himself off for not being able to take his eyes off you. Jealousy only continuing to fuel. Noticing the ways the some of the girls blushed while you showed off different strokes. How the boys were so eager to hold your attention.

Of course it was easy for you. So many people looking your way. While he didn't get a crumb of attention. Everyone avoid him and was left mostly alone at home. He hated to admit you were... easy on the eyes

But that alone couldn't explain why people you knew liked you so much.

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𝑨𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒆 [Yandere M. x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now