Chapter 6 ~ The Next Step

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Joshua's POV:
I waited a few weeks before telling my mum about the pregnancy. And just as I thought, she got so mad. She chased me around the house with a broomstick in one hand and some scotch bonnet in the other. We were at it for probably two hours, and she managed to catch up to me and squeeze some scotch bonnet juice in my eye. Then she wacked me with a broomstick several times, and told me to meet her in her room so that we could discuss the situation.

"I hope you're proud of yourself!" She started.
"Mum I-"
"No! I speak you listen, yeah? Because had you had listened to me telling you not to have sex... or at least use a condom- we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place! What, do you think you're a big man all of a sudden? Just cause you've got your own place now, huh? Is that what you think? Answer me when I'm talking to you, Joshua!"
"But you just said that i shouldn't spea-" I tried to say.
"What so now you wanna give me back chat? Is that what this is, huh? The rise of Josh?"

At this point, I just decided that it was best for me to shut up, because no matter what, I would just lose.

"Whose the girl? Who are her parents and how do you know that the baby's a actually yours?" She questions intensely. I decided that perhaps she would want to hear from me.
"It's Christabel Williams. And you already know her mum so...
And I know for a fact that the kid is mine," I recieved a stern look from my mum at the last part. But it's true the baby is mine... atleast I hope so. Nahh, Chrissy isn't like that- ofcourse it's mine, especially after I...

"Ok right, so I'm gonna ring Pamela... or better yet, we'll just go there right now." Mum says as though she's thinking out loud.
"Mum, I don't think that that's wise, we don't know if they're even in. They could be asleep- Chrissy could be resting or something." I knew better than to suggest that Chrissy's mother could be working a shift at the hospital, because my mum had the same shifts as her.
"You're just worried that Christabel hasn't told her mum yet, aren't you?" She says whilst slightly brushing her hair back.
"Well... yeah- cus I'm not trying to cause any trouble. I don't want to put Chrissy through any more stress," I say regretting having told my mum without communicating with Chrissy before hand.
"Yeah well tough. We're going-now get your shoes!"

I do as I'm told, not wanting to argue with my mother any further.

As we are about to open the main door, there's a knock.
Is that who I think it is?
I open the door and see a very displeased Aunty Pamela and an exhausted looking Christabel.

('Aunty', quite like 'Mrs' or 'Ms' can be used to show respect to someone older, as is 'Uncle' - it doesn't mean that they are related by blood).

"Pam! We were just on our way to come and see you guys." Mum said, ushering them inside.
"Well, we would've been here a lot sooner if Christabel didn't try to delay!" Aunty Pamela says whilst getting comfortable on th sofa.
"Yeah- Josh was the exact same. So I'm guessing that you already know. When did you find out?"
"Roughly two weeks ago. But I only just found out that Josh is the dad today."

They began to discuss possible plans for the baby, leaving me and Chrissy just standing there awkwardly. I was still in a trance. This whole situation just felt unreal. Within a few months, I was going to become an actual dad to somebody. I knew for a fact that I had to leave the gang life behind- before the baby is born!

"Chrissy, you shouldn't be standing for too long. Come and sit down." Mum tells Chrissy kindly. "Josh you too- SITDOWN NOW!" She said to me not so kindly.
I didn't wait for another second, because I didn't want to be treated and shouted at like a little child infront of the mother of my child... and hopefully still my girlfriend!

I took a seat in the armchair, whilst Chrissy just stood by her mum.
"Christabel, did you not hear Aunty Gina telling you to take a seat?" Aunty Pam questions calmly, yet with a hint of sterness in her voice.
"Ye-" Chrissy tries to voice out.
"Then go take a seat!"

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