Chapter 4 ~ By The End Of That Night

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Christabel's POV:

So much for leaving unnoticed...

Omniscient POV:

As she was making her way to the exit downstairs, Chrissy was met by a handful of guys, who were smoking and conversing at the bottom of the stairs.

At first she hesitated, but Chrissy continued to the exit, with her head down. 

She could hear a few murmurs about her new dishevelled appearance, but she refused to make eye contact with anyone. Despite the visible bruises forming on Chrissy's wrists and thighs, nobody bothered to ask her what had happened, or if she was alright. Everybody was aware that that was 'Reckz's ting', so whatever that may have happened was between him and his girl and it just was not their place to pry. 

Chrissy was relieved that there had been enough space for her to pass, meaning that she didn't have to use her voice. She was almost at the door, so close to leaving, until she felt a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump a little.

"You man, I'm gonna be up in a bit." Dion spoke, indicating that the rest of the guys should leave so he could talk to the girl.

When they were left alone, neither of them spoke, but only Dion fished for eye contact. The mere idea that she was still in this building frustrated Chrissy.

"If you've got something to say, say it quickly. My bus is close." Chrissy said with attitude. 

"Why you crying?" Although his face seemed nonchalant, Dion's tone was full of concern. 

"None of your business." Chrissy hadn't initially noticed that there were more tears down hear face, as she began to furiously wipe them away.

"Don't tell me you got into a cat fight over Josh. Chrissy, you fighting over man now?" He joked. He knew that there was more to it than a 'cat fight', but Dion just couldn't put his finger on it- he didn't want to!

Chrissy simply looked away, rather than responding to Dion. This gave him a chance to look at the girl properly. This time, he noticed something strange about Chrissy.

"Is that blood?" He asked, bringing their attention to the blood trickling down Chrissy's thighs. "Chrissy, what the f**k happened? Chrissy!"

"S**t." Chrissy hissed as she pulled out her pack of tissues and began wiping her legs. "Ask Josh."

"What d'you me- Chrissy, what the hell did he do?!" Dion's care for Chrissy was genuine. Yes, him and her brother had their differences that would most likely never be settled, but to Dion, Chrissy would always be like blood. Not because he used to be bredrins with her brother, but because she was loyal and trustworthy, and she had proved it.

Before anymore could be said, the two were interrupted by Tiffany, Raymond's baby mum.

Tiffany could be considered as the epitome of 'feminine beauty'. Her narrow waist and her curvy hips gave her a pleasing symmetrical silhouette. Although she had given birth to her daughter two years ago, Tiffany's body had bounced back quickly. She was a prime example of the type of women Raymond attracted- flawless and perfect.

Apparently Raymond had been trying to reach his brother's phone, which had already died, in order to discuss 'business'. As a result, Dion was forced to go and see to it, but not before assuring Chrissy that they would finish their conversation, and he'd drop her home. Chrissy had no intention to wait, and was ready to hop on the next available bus she could catch home at this time of the night.

Chrissy's POV:

"Christabel, right?" I heard someone voice. It was Tiffany.

"Yeah." I responded in a small voice, not even attempting to meet her gaze. 

"Why does everyone call you Chrissy? Christa makes more sense to me." She added, to which I just shrugged.

At this point, I really had no idea why Tiffany was speaking to me. She had never done so before, so why now? You know dem girls that you see and you just know that they're retired mean girls, like you just know that they were high school bullies, yeah? Well that was Tiffany. She just had this fierce aura about her that just made me wanna stay clear of her, whenever I bumped into her at Raymond's place or a motive or wherever. And it didn't help that she had a resting b***h face, or that she was involved with someone as scary as Raymond!

"I was on my way out, but- wait what way you going?"


"I'm going Bexley. You alright to share an uber?" She offered, to my surprise.

"Yes please." I accepted gratefully, briefly glancing at her.

"Cool." She chirped. "Now let's go get you cleaned up, babes."


I found myself sharing the details of last night with Tiffany. I'm not sure whether it was because of her her kind gestures, or the fact that she made herself comfortable in the ensuite bathroom I was cleaning myself up in. Regardless, I just opening up to her. 

She did advise me to 'run' not 'walk' away from Josh, especially now that he had given me a reason to. And that's exactly what I planned to do. I wasn't sure how to tell him, not only because I was scared, but because I dreaded the idea of having to replay the events of last night to him, just for him to not believe me. That would really drive me mad.

Tiffany also spoke about her daughter, Rachel, who was turning 3 soon. Her face lit up as she showed me a few pictures of Rae. You can tell that Raymond's genes are strong- I mean it looks like he birthed her himself.

We ended up exchanging numbers, as I offered to babysit for her if she needed one. When she told me she postponed the rest of her Uni education so she could be there for Rae, I was reminded of my mum. When she first came to the UK, mum's English wasn't that fluent and so she mainly spoke French or Lingala. By the time she and my dad had gotten married, her English language had improved but it had still taken a negative toll on her education. Long story short, once my brother and I were born, my mum prioritized raising us over getting her Uni education. Eventually, she was able to go to University before training to become a qualified nurse, so I guess it all worked out well.

We spent so long talking , that I lost track of time  and completely forgot about the uber. Tiffany explained that because she had ordered one using Raymond's account, the driver was waiting outside for when they would be ready. It was some sort of agreement or whatever that Raymond had made with the company- crazy, right?

"Bye babes, and sorry I couldn't ride with you." Tiffany said as she gave me a final hug. Weird.

"It's fine." I dismissed, shyly returning the hug. I could see Raymond standing in the background, with a newly lit spliff. It was him who had prevented Tiffany from leaving. She wanted to, but he had insisted on her spending the night with him at some bougie hotel nearby, and he'd made it clear that he wasn't asking. Hmm, I guess not taking 'no' for an answer just runs in the Tovell family then. "Thank you for the uber." 

"Get home safe, Christa, and make sure you text me when you do, yeah?"

"I will. Bye."

As the car began to drive off, I couldn't help but feel grateful that I had this uber ride all to myself. I was so glad that I had just about missed Dion too, because I honestly didn't know what to say to him about Josh, because at the end of the day, that is his cousin- his own flesh and blood. I just don't want to be the cause of more drama. I've caused enough problems.

For the rest of the uber ride, I allowed silent tears to fall, as I unintentionally replayed the events of the night in my head.

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