Chapter 5 ~ We need to talk

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Christabel's POV:
It's been two months since that night. Many things have changed within that amount of time. For an example, I've gained ALOT of weight in my breasts, stomach and hips. My bum had expanded so much, you would think I have had a BBL! I've been incredibly antisocial- even though I still go to sixth form and I barely even speak to Nat, although she does try to reach out to me. Josh continues to try to apologise to me time over time. He buys me loads of gifts and just basic necessities, including period pads! Not really much use to me now because...

I personally find this mad to be honest, because you've got all these married couples, who probably refrained from having sex until marriage -you know, to remain pure- and have been together for years, with strong, real love- yet not one child has been produced no matter how hard they try!

And then you have reckless and irresponsible teens, like yours truly, who just make one mistake, and then here come the triplets! Such a strange world we live in right... Not saying that I want triplets... yet, or that this baby- my baby isn't worthy of life, but I'm just saying.

For the first two weeks after the incident, I only came into school for a few days each week. And whenever Josh tried to approach me, I would just completely air him, which would obviously draw lots of attention as we were one of the few couples that had emerged from secondary school. Nobody would dare question or pry about as Josh had quite a 'reputation'.

On the fourth week, I discovered that I was pregnant as I had been experiencing most of the symptoms- nausea, sleepiness, and excessive hunger. I bought a pregnancy test from the local pharmacy, and my suspicions had were confirmed. It was positive.

One late morning after the second period (at break time) I gathered up enough courage within me, and walked up to the little lounge area- where Josh was. He wasn't alone though. A few of his... friends? were seated around him, some with girls on their laps and others scrolling through social media, most likely looking at girls' bodies. Then there was Josh, looking like a depressed chimpanzee. Serves him right!

I tapped on his shoulder a few times to get his attention. When he turned around, he looked a bit hopeful to see me.
"We need to talk." I said in a quiet voice, loud enough for Josh to hear me of course.
But before Josh could actually respond, there were a few interruptions.
"Hiii Christa!" Angela, one of the girls said.
"Hi Angie," I replied.
"Christabel, you know Mr Ambrose, yeah? He said he was gonna call your mum for all the days that you missed!" Tiffany added slightly lifting herself off of Hayden's lap, revealing the bulge he had developed. He pulled her back by her waist.
"You man are nasty," TJ jeered looking at them. "I beg you let Josh go chat to his wifey."
"Aye Josh, go chat to your girl man," the majority of them bellowed unserioisly.

Josh just rolled his eyes clearly not in the mood to say anything to them. He carefully took a hold of my hand, and guided us to the drama studio.
"Are you okay?" He asks... sincerely.
"I'm pregnant," I say quite bluntly, not seeing the need for small talk.
I pull out the pregnancy test that I took.

Josh doesn't say anything. I could tell he was dumbfounded!
"I've got a second one that's blank and I can take it right now infront of you."
"Chill, there's no need for that," Josh finally says.
"No, I need to pee anyways. Plus I don't want my money to go to waste. Come here," I say dragging him along to the toilets.

When we were safely inside, I made Josh turn around whilst I peed. Obviously, I didn't sit directly on the seat because ewww! I managed to make my pee come in contact with the test. I was quite tempted to do a loud fart whilst Josh was still here, but I didn't want him to assume that we were back on good terms... so I held it all in!

We waited for the results quietly, until Josh tried breaking the silence.
"Babe, I'm so sorry for everything that I put you through that night. I swear down, if I was in my sober mind I would've never even thought about taking those pills in the first place. I know how dumb it sounds, but I would never do anything to purposely hurt you, whilst in my right mind!" He tries making eye contact, but I block it. "I'm so sorry that I didn't stick to my promise to take you out too. Please don't stay mad at me-"
"It's positive," I interrupted. "Ok, so me being the lovely person that I am, I've decided to give you the choice of being in our baby's life or not...because I ain't getting no abortion for nobody." I say deciding to give eye contact at last.
"I would never ask you to do that. I want to be in our baby's life. I want to provide for and take care of the both of you," he says whilst taking my hand and placing a kiss on it.
"Why me? I'm not your baby!" I say whilst snatching my hand away.

A hurt look appeared on his face. I won't lie, but I felt quite bad. Ah well! He hurt me first so...
"Will you atleast come live with me?" He asks.
"Uh- no!" I reply finding the idea of living under my baby father's mother's roof bizarre.
"No. I don't want to live with you and your mum- I don't have a problem with your mother it's just"
"I hear that, but I'm not talking about my mums house. I got an apartment a few weeks before my 18th. That's where I wanted to take you on that night but..." He says awkwardly. "It's in Raymond's name, but I'm paying for it."
"Still a no." I say walking out there, leaving Josh with the pregnancy test.

For the rest of that day, I continued to ignore Josh and carried on with my school day as usual.

When I first told my mum, she was so disappointed in me. She gave me the silent treatment for a good two and a half weeks, and would purposely cook food that I didn't enjoy eating. When she finally came around, she said:
"Listen! No pikney (child) of mine is going to irresponsibly bring a child into the world, and use that same irresponsibleness to raise it! Because you already know abortion is out of the question!" She breathed out.
"Oh but I wouldn't wan-"
"Don't interrupt me," she said sternly. "Right, now we're going to get in contact with the dad and his family- you do know who the dad is... right?" She pauses looking as though she might faint.
"Yes," I reply quickly to put her at ease.
"Ok good. Who then?"
"My boyf-"
"Boyfriend? Why didn't I know about this boyfriend?? Who is he?"
"It's... it's Joshua." I say hesitantly.
"Which Joshua? Joshua Tovell?"
"Yes, that one."
"Oooh. I see... so my daughter has a thing for bad boys, eh?" She teases, in a rather serious way. "Has he told Regina yet?" She asks
"I'm not sure." I say quietly. My mum and Josh's mum's worked in the same hospital, hence how my mum already knew his mum. They made firm friends whilst me and Josh were in our first year of secondary school.
"She's gonna go ballistic on that boy- might even kill him!"
'I sure hope not', I inwardly say.

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