Chapter 1 ~ That Night pt.1

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Christabel's POV:
Friday night on the 13th of September.

Josh had just turned 18 years old, and his 3 notorious cousins were throwing him a party. Well, it was mainly Raymond, the oldest out of the 3 who had insisted. He decided to do it at one of the penthouses he owned, but barely used for himself. Knowing Raymond, it was going to be a big party!

Josh and I had already made plans for that night. He said he wanted to take me out somewhere and show me something. To be fair, Josh isn't the type of guy that likes parties or events, but it was no use telling that to Raymond. He was someone you just couldn't say no to.

This meant that Joshua and I would have to postpone our plans for later, so Josh told me.

Josh had told me that he would stay for like an hour then pick me up. He didn't want me around the people that would be there, and I don't blame him. In the past, such scenarios ended with me being groped or 'verbally assaulted' by some of the boys around, which then led to Josh lashing out and getting involved in countless beefs, on my behalf.

However, my friend Natalie convinced me to go with her. She was already invited because, 1. It's Josh's party, and 2. She was doing a ting with one of his cousins, Michael, the second oldest.

Now who am I to judge, yeah, but what the hell is a 17 year old doing with a 22 year old?! That's the age difference between Natalie and Mike. Mind you, Mike ain't got no clue of Nat's real age. He thinks that she just turned 21 so they have a few months age difference between them.

Nat says that she's always wanted a MAN, and not just a man, cus she's never been treated right by boys our age. They just want to use you for your body, dump you then go brag about it and make it out like you,re the sket, when it takes two to tango! But Mike's not like that, so Nat says.

Only I know about their age difference. And Dion, Raymond and Mike's younger brother. Not even Josh knows about this. Although Mike hasn't introduced Nat to Raymond yet, and she tries to avoid him, they have seen each other on a few occasions. The only reason why Dion even knows about Nat's age, is because him and my brother used to be best friends, so whenever he would come around, Nat would sometimes be her secondary school uniform. The only reason I can think of for Dion not saying anything about Nat's age is because of his spitefulness. Dion's just petty like that.

When we first arrived at the penthouse, I was surprised that the windows didn't shatter, considering how loud the music was. The place literally screamed illegitimate money!

"Chrissy, come we go find Josh." Nat said yelled over the music, taking a hold of my hand as we slithered through the crowd together. The place was dark with neo lights, so it was hard to see where we were going.

We finally found a staircase with lights, however both of us were hesitant to go as we didn't want to be mistaken as opp thots rummaging through Raymond's place or anything. From the little I've heard, and seen the brothers didn't take too kindly to any opp thots.

The notorious brothers, or 'The Big 3' as Nat and I jokingly called them, didn't had zero tolerance for rubbish. Men from their family just had bad tempers, I guess. Even Josh.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Josh's number, but no answer.

"Is he not picking?" Nat asked and I shook my head in response. "Ok come, I might know where he is. Mikey brought me here once."

Reluctantly, Nat and I made our way up the flight of stairs, until we heard the sound of laughter, talking and music.

"I think he's down there." Nat said referring to one of the rooms down the hall.

"Do I look okay?" I asked, using Nat as my mirror. I knew that Josh wouldn't be happy with me being there, so I wanted to at least make sure I looked good to diffuse the situation.

"Wait, hold on." She briefly inspected me from head to toe, before adjusting my bra and boobs.

"You look gud!" She assured me.

"Nat wait, you're lips need to pop!" I alerted her, as I had realised that Mike would probably be in there as well. I watched as she applied more lip gloss over the layers she already had on, using her phone camera.

When we were done making last minute adjustments to our looks, we made our way to the room together, not truly knowing what or even who was awaiting on the other side of the door.


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