165 - Grinding With Medea

Start from the beginning

Damn. Didn't work.

"Well, actually..." I could hear the grin on Loki's face.

What is it?

"...you actually did it first time." Medea stated, shocked. "Can you feel the connection?"

I don't know, I don't feel...

Wait a minute. I closed my eyes, feeling the tug on my heart. Even with my eyes closed, I could see the line. But instead of fading out, it stretched far out into the distance. It was strange, considering everything should be dark with my eyes closed.

"It 'disappeared' because it went into another world." Loki explained. "Humans don't have the capabilities to see through that. But, they can sense it."

"Incredible." Medea let out a small gasp. "I really didn't think you would get it first time. It's more than just saying some words and spilling some blood; you must have an aptitude and skill for magic, as well of the capabilities to perform such a powerful spell. To think you would actually get it first time..."

"Ken has always been a natural at magic." Loki proudly stated. "Combine that with his power, his mana reserves, and the amount of circuits we carved into his body, he could burn down a whole city!"

I don't get what's with you and burning cities, but thank you for the compliment.

"Well, color me impressed." Medea laughed. "Alright then. Teaching you will be easier than I thought. Now that you've made a connection, do you want to go find her?"

No, not yet.

"Huh?" Medea replied, confused.

"Oh, I see." Loki stated.

Don't get me wrong, I am very worried for Erica, and incredibly pissed she got taken away. But I need to get stronger first. If Azeroth is there himself, then I need to be prepared. However, I'm guessing I'll have to deal with another one of his Heavenly Knights, or even multiple. I am going to enemy territory with no idea of what I'm facing. I need to be prepared.

And Erica is strong. I'm sure she can stay safe until we can get to her. And I'll only take a day or two. So Medea, please, teach me some more things to fill up this Grimoire I now have.

I summoned the Grimoire, opening it up to see that on the first page was the tracking spell. It didn't have a name though. I tapped the book, imagining the name I wanted to give it.

Dimensional Tracking Sight.

"I like the name." Medea said. I could hear a slight smile in her tone. "You now have your first spell. Now, let's teach you a couple more things before we go save your girlfriend."


A knock rang on the door. I placed Avalon back onto Yui's mom, letting it rest upon her body. I could still see the line. Well, even if it disappears, then I'll cast the spell again.

I opened the door, seeing Bianca. I left the room, closing the door behind me, before turning to her. "What's up?" I asked.

She tugged on my arm. She pulled me over to my room, opening it and dragging me inside. She closed the door, before locking it and turning towards me.

She reached out, grabbing my head and petting it. "I talked to Irene." She spoke. "I am your third girlfriend now."

So Irene accepted Bianca as well. I knew she would, but it is still nice to have reassurance.

"Great." I smiled.

Bianca looked at me, before leaning in and kissing my lips. We held the kiss for a couple seconds, before separating.

"After we find Erica..." Bianca said. "I will introduce you to Mom. And Dad."

"Okay." I nodded. "Not sure how much your Dad will like me though."

Instead of answering, Bianca captured my lips once more. Maybe that was her answer. Either way, I indulged and continued to kiss her. Our kissing started to become more frisky as our tongues intertwined. She started to push me backwards, until I fell onto my bed with her pinning me from above.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. I was surprised that she would want to do this so early, right after she became my girlfriend.

"Yes." Bianca said. "I have never been so sure of anything in my life."

My heart could burst.

That night, I learned some new things about Bianca. And the next day, I trained myself by learning a bunch of new tricks from Medea's mental archive.

Later, I stood side to side with Bianca, Yui, Amber, and Aoi. This would be the team going to rescue Erica. We didn't inform the other S Ranks, as they have been dealing with other things around the city as more rifts have started to pop up. Iris, Irene, Lily, Merlin, and Xena looked at us, worried.

But with this team, and my new tricks, I have full faith in us, even if we do have to go against Azeroth himself.

"We'll come back soon, I promise." I crouched down and petted Xena's head. "And if I somehow break my promise, then you can do anything you want to me."

"Okay." Xena nodded. "Be safe, Papa."

"I will." I smiled.

"We will wait patiently for your arrival." Irene stated.

"Thank you." I replied. "I appreciate you all looking after here while we go."

"I wish I could go." Iris sighed. "But some people need to be here in case something happens. Good luck, Ken."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Now, let's go save Erica."

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