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|thurday 9am

mels pov:
steve had came over 30 minutes prior, he told me he had something super improtant to tell me but took 25 minutes working it up, nervously and hesitantly finally starting the story with 'i slept over eddies'

"and! he just kissed me!" steve ranted to me excited, "REALLY? WHAT DID YOU DO?? DID YOU KISS HIM BACK? DID YOU LIKE IT? TELL ME MORE- MORE DETAILS" i exclamed excited to know what happened next

"calm down mel- and- i- i might have liked it.. might have kissed back" steve said mumbling the last part, my eyes widened, my jaw was dropped to the ground in happiness, "YES! I KNEW IT! me and robin ever since you guys basically met have been shipping you too! i mean the sexual tension is SO visible its crazy!" i ranted in excitement

"really? well- if im going to be honest- me and eddie have been shipping you and robin every since so" steve said "what?" i asked nervously

yes i liked robin, but i always forgot that everyone else knew i did too, and i always got nervous when people brought it up, scared they would leave, run away, tell everyone, like marissa did

"oh shit sorry i forgot you knew" i said laughing, steve could just feel my anexity go away after that, i sighed plopping down on my bed, "shes just- so- perfect- like- not only her looks are perfect, but her personality- i mean she always listens to me no matter what even if its about something shes annoyed by- like me talking about the lord of the rings- or something- and she always understands me- shes so nice and hot and- ughheeh" i said shoving my head into my pillow at the last part

steve just laughed, "you literally sound exactly like her right now, i mean anytime we had work together when you werent there or on out way to your house to pick you up for school- she always rants to me about you just like that" steve said to me "ugh whatever can we stop talking about this im gonna explode" i whinned

"yeah" steve nodded his head as i sat back up, "soooo.. you and eddieeee" i said stretching out the E bothering him, "mel i swear to god" he said, "dont make me regret telling you about it" he said already annoyed

"can i just ask one more question tho" i asked, he just slowly turned to me and gave me an 'anything but that' look, but i asked anyways, "are you and eddie a thing now? like boyfriends? and am i allowed to talk to eddie about this or am i supposed to not know?" steve just slowly looked away from me with a tired expression and sighed

"i asked him if i could tell you, he didnt care, and- nothing offical yet? okay? okay" steve said answering as quickly as possible

it was now 11am and i was over mikes house, in his basment as i had promised to hang out with him, "and i dont know what to do because i don't know how i feel anymore because i dont feel what i felt with el anymore but then that whole painting and weird thing with will? like i don't understand because when i broke up with eleven she told me that she was okay with it and understood and theres no awkward tension between us like we're good friends-" mike was completely ranting to me

"mike- slow down" i stopped him, he sighed, "so- when exactly did you loose your feelings for el?" i asked, "i dont know- when she moved away, it wasnt really- the same like when i hugged her goodbye it didnt feel like- as much as the same from before but i thought it was just because of everything going on- also because when i hugged will goodbye it felt different too- but when i read her letters and she would say like romantic things it didnt feel right, like we didnt connect anymore- and then when i got to californa and when we kissed it felt super different" mike explained

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