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mels pov:
nancy creeked the door open to her upside down-house, as i followed very close behind robin, holding out my flashlight, making through the doorway and standing besins robin with my hand still connected

"might be time to get a maid wheeler" robin said sarcastically, as we were looking around the hallway, "come on, i dont want to stay here longer than we have to" nancy said ignoring the comment, running up stairs, me and robin running up behind her

we got to nances room, she opened her closet door, taking a shor box off of the shelf, placing it down, pushing the wrapping out of way to reveal shoes, "those arent guns" eddie said stating the obvious, "yeah no shit munson" i said to him

"these heals are pointy but i was hoping for something along the lines of a deadly projectile" robin sarcasticly said, nancy looked super conused, "i- i don't understand" she said thinking outloud, "maybe you left them somewhere else" eddie suggested, "theres a six year old in the house i know where i keep my guns, and also.. i threw these away years
ago" nancy said

she then drifted her eyes to notecards of notes to the left of the box, picking them up shuffling throught them, "i get that grades are important to you- but perhaps studying can wait till ee get out?" robin said

"these are from sophomore chemistry.." nancy said, "and this.. this wallpaper, this, this is old wallpaper" she said pointing and staring confusedly at the wall, she walked over to a mirror by her bed, "and this mirror, this went to a yard sale.." she said pointing to it, "and you.. you're not supposed to be here no- i gave you to cousin joanna two years ago" she said picking up a stuffed animal

she walked over to her bedside table, picking up a small notebook flipping through it, stopping at a page and staring at it

"what is it?" me and eddie asked unison, all of us walking over to her "nancy? you're freaking me out" robin said, gripping my hand tighter

"i think- the reason that my guns arent here, is because they dont.. exist yet" nancy said still staring at the page, "they dont.. exist?" eddie asked confused

"this diary should be full of entries, its not, the last entry is from november 6th, 1983, the day will went missing, the day the gate opened.. we're in the past" nancy concluded

faint yelling was coming from downstairs, steve was yelling my brothers name, i quickly ran down, pulling robin with me as nancy and eddie followed

"dustin! can you hear me?!" steve yelled, i found steve and he was circling around with hos flashlight talking to what appearded to be himself

"maybe he really does have rabies" robin suggested to me, making me laugh, "steve! what are you doing?" nancy asked, he turned around shoving the light into our eyes,

"hes here, little henderson, that little shit, hes here, hes like, hes in the walls or something, just listen, listen" steve panted like a crazy person, he was quiet for a second before yelling dustins name again

after a few steve yells, an achoed voice came from seemingly nowhere, "dustin!" i yelled confused yet scared for him, "dustin!" we all yelled looking around confused as shit

"all right either thid kid cant hear us or hes being a total douchebag" steve concluded "will found a way" nancy said, steve turned around confused, "what?" he asked, "will, he found a way, to speak to joyce through the lights" nancy said

"lights" steve mumbled confused, nancy ran over to the lamp by the stairs, i walked over flickering the lightswitch, flickering it, "its not working" nancy said annoyed, "guys" steve mumbled, causing us all to look to wear he was looking,

he had his flashlight shinned at the shandeler, there was sparkling twinkle shit hovering around it

we all stepped closer, nancy reached her hand out, putting her hand into the sparkles, it flared up and became brighter, "woah" me and eddie said unison, as both of us and robin stepped closer

then i reached out my arm, moving my fingers lighting it up, then everyone reached their arms out doing the same, i turned my eyes looking at robins hand, her middle and ring finger moving up and down making my breath shake

i dropped my arm down clearing my throught, trying to ignore it, "does anyone know morse code" nancy asked "no" all of us said unison

robin finally dropped her arm down, "wait- does sos count?" eddie asked, everyone turned to him, "-is that- is that good?" eddie asked

he went up to the light flicking the sparkles in a repeative pattern, "its working" robin whispered

we were all sitting down by nancys bed waiting for them to do something as they said they would

"—seeing this?!" a faint yell came, nancy reached out her hand, moving it through the sparkles, you could hear faint laughter "—we're not moving it we're gonna unplug it stand by" my brothers voice achoed, as the sparkles dimmed

"try it now!" we heard dustin say, nancy then drew HI on the lights, "that worked!" dustin yelled, all of us grew happy for a moment, nancy then started to draw something put again


eddie nodding his head up and down "yes" i mumbled "we are" robin agreed "you cant get back through watergate?" dustin yelled, "what the hells watergate?" steve asked, "cause its in water and its a gate?" robin concluded

"thats cute" eddie said which made me smile, "no- its.." nancy mumbled before drawing again.


"watergates guarded?" dustin said, us agreeing with him "we think we have a theory that can help with that" dustin yelled, "genuis child" robin mumbled, "i taught him" i mumbled back

dustin had came up with an idea that there were gates at every murder cite, we had gotten bikes from nances garge and started riding to eddies trailer.

never thought i'd be riding a bike with steve harrington, robin buckley from clicks class, dustins best friends older sister, and my drug dealer in another dimension to go to my drug dealers trailer to climb through a portal between worlds to get back to my world.

we finally made it to the trailer park, "right here" eddie yelled stopping his bike at a trailer, "thats gotta be a guinness world record most miles traveled interdimensioally" robin said, "just inhaled a bucnh of that crap-" steve coughed dramaticlly, "-its stuck in my throat" steve coughed again

we entered the door, all of us looking up to the gaping hole on the cealing to another dimension "god damn" steve mumbled, "this is where chrissy died" eddie said, making me frown at the name, "like right.. where she died" he said

"i think theres something in there" robin said, as a stick poked through the whole making us jump, we all went over to the hole and looked up, "holy fucking shit" i mumbled in disbelief

max, dustin, lucas, and erica stood there upside down, it was unbelievably trippy, "hi there!" dustin laughed as we all waved "holy shit this is trippy.." robin mumbled,

lucas and max placed down a matress right above us with.. stains.. on it, "those stains are uh.." eddie said looking to us, robin gave him a stare, "-i dont know what those stains are.." he said

"mmhm" i said holding back my laugh "not quite sure how these physics are gonna work, but uh.. here goes nothing" dustin said before throughing a line of a bunch of tied sheets together, dustin still holding onto it

"and if my theory is correct.." dustin said before letting go of it, as it floated on the other side

we then one by one went, robin went up to it, "guess im the guinea pig" robin said before going up to it and grabbing it, i walked up closer, "be careful" i said looking at her worried, "promise" she smiled before jumping onto it as she pulled herself falling onto it falling when her torso met the other side falling onto the matress safely, i sighed in realif

i jumped onto it going next to be sure i was with robin, robin pulled me off of the matress hugging me

eddie then went, and steve looked over to nance, "see you on the other side" he said to her, "other side" she said

nancy just stood there

"nance?" steve asked, "her- her eyes!" he yelled panically "nancy! nance! wake up!" steve said shaking her.

sorry that this took me so long to get out ive been busy!! but 5 days till volume 2 and im auper excited!!! this is the last chapter until then!


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