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mels pov:
we were now all around a table, eddie placing down a newspaper "check this out, the war zone, i've been there once, its hudge, they got everything you need for.. uh, well killing things basically" eddie explained, "you think fake rambo has enough guns there.. is that a grenade? how is any of this legal?" robin asked

"well lucky for us it is.. so, this- this place is just far enough outside of hawkins, as long as we steer clear of main roads we oughta be able to avoid cops and uh.. angry hicks" eddie answered, "if we're trying to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldnt go to some store called the war zone" erica said, "normally i'd agree but we need the weapons so, i think its worth the risk" nancy said

"i agree" i said, "me too" lucas said, erica turning to give him a look, "but is it worth the time? it'll take all day to bike there and back" dustin said

"who said anything about bikes?" eddie said still leaned down at the table, "you got some car we dont know about?" steve said giving him direct eye contact, eddie stood up and got really close to steve not breaking his contact, "its not exactly my car.. steve" eddie said and turnibg to finally break that tension in the contact, "and its not exactly my car.. but uh, it'll do" eddie said

eddie then turned to max, "hey red" he started "max" i quickly added correctly him because i couldn't imagine how annoying that nickname would be, "right, uh, you git a ski mask, bandanna, something like that?" eddie asked

max didnt replay because she was thinking, "wait max, werent you micheal myers for halloween couple years ago?" i asked, remember her cute mask after i picked dustin and lucaa up that day

"oh shit your right" she said before running to her room

we were all outside of maxes trailer sneaking to where ever eddie was taking us, we finally made our way to a trailer, eddie slide open the window, jumping through it, taking the mask off immediately, steve jumped in immediately after, then nancy, then robin, and when i got through robin had pulled me up, then of course lucas erica and max

"hey eddie you want me to do it?" i asked walking up to him but he had already started, "i got it" he said cutting wires as steve was hunged over close by him

"where'd you learn how to do this?" steve asked eddie, "well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball.. my old man was teaching me how to hot wire.. now i swore to myseld i wouldnt wind up like he did, but now im wanted for murder, and soon.. grand theft auto, so uh.. im really living up to that munson name" eddie explained

"how do you know how to mel?" steve asked me, "what? oh uh dont ask" i said

robin came up behind me, placing her hands on my back her body pressed against mine so she was basically leaning against me, "uh eddie, im not sure i love the idea of you driving" robin said giving me chills from her touch, "oh im just starting this sucker, harringtons got her" eddie smiled, leaned it somehow closer to him, "dont ya big boy?" and leaned back out to finish starting it

i turned my head to robin we shared each other the same look, and look back at eddie as he started it, people came up to the door, screaming for us to open it, "shit" eddie and me munbled at the same time, robin grabbed my arm yanking me to the couch with her as eddie left the driverd seat, steve jumping into it "everyone hang on!" steve yelled, "drive steve drivvee!!!!" dustin yelled and stepped on pedal, "shit they look pissed!" dustin said

"no shit" i said, "yeah i mean its not everyday you lose your house and car in one fell swoop" robin said still holding onto my hand tightly, "hold on!" steve yelled before smashing into trash cans knocking trash everywhere and finally getting on the road

i was laying down on robin, her chin pressed against the top of my head with our hands interlocked, i had my headphones on and music playing just in case

"hey" robin tapped on my shoulder, i sat up and turned around to look at her, letting go of her hand doing so i took of my headphones and stopped the music

"so i've been thinking, two of the three of vecnas victims were seeing ms kelley, so i figure theresa good chance vecnas cursed another one of her students, we go back to her office, we read all of her files look fot mentions of headaches, nosebleeds, nightmares, we identify his most likely next victim-" robin ranted but i cut her off, "robin" but she contuined, "-we stake out his house-"

"robin stop" i said placing my hand on her leg, but i sorta accidentally placed it more on her mid theigh on accident but i kept it there

"we dont have time for any of that okay? and even if we did, even if your plan did work, we'd be putting. total stranger at risk, a stranger who has no idea what they're up against, i do, he uses my memories against me but.. only my darkest memories, same with chrissy and fred right? its like he only sees the darkness in us, so i'll just run in the opposite direction.. to the light.. and maybe he wont be able to find me there" i explained calmly

"now how exactly do you plan on doing this?" robin asked "im not sure.. but its my mind.. not his right? so i should be able to control where i am, i just need to.. push him away.. find a happy memory and hide there, hide in the light" i explained

"you got a memory in mind?" robin soft voice asked, i nodded my head, "yeah" i whispered, "it was the time i was the happiest.. that i can remember at least" i answered, robin leaned in, "was.. i.. there?" she asked nervously making me smile big, "you.. might've been there.. you might've been the only one there..." i said whispering the last part thinking about the night before any of this shit happened with vecna

robin smiled, "okay.. but the second you start to lift, im calling in joy division, alright?" she said, "okay" i whispered, "deal" i said, "deal" robin said back

robin lifted up her hand, i lifted up the one that was on her theigh, shaking her hand, pulling my headphones back over my head, turning my body to lean back on her

we were walking into the shop, there were signs across the shop labeled, 'knives' 'guns' etc

"try to avoid angry hicks.. lets be fast" nancy said "yep" steve said, "definitely" erica said, we all split up so i was with max, "robin, huh?" max said to me making me scrunch my eyebrows, "lucas, huh?" i said replying making her smile

"get more of that" i said to max as she placed more amo in the basket "holy shit" max mumbled, "what?" i turned to her, she was just staring into the distance, i turned to look at what she was looking at, "is that?" i asked, "jason"  she answered "look" i pointed at more jocks

"we gotta go" steve said running to the drivers seat of the trailer, "your old friends are here" erica said to lucas as we all seated back down

"lets go! lets go!" yelled, "im going! im going!" steve yelled back driving through the parking lot

(rant) okay so like im supposed to go to the mall for an hour and then watch the minions movie with someone who ive never hung out with ive only ever texted so i really really hope it isnt awkward otherwise im gonna kms and im super scared to go but they already bought the tickets and i also want to be friends with them im just scared to bc ive never made a friend that i didnt know from school so like yeah any advice? that would be great im supposed to go in 2 1/2 hours

words- 1404

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