Chapter 10

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"You are pacing, Naruto." Kakashi states the obvious. I am pacing in my office. I came in thirty minutes early today, and my eyes keeps on darting towards the door.

"Are you waiting for someone important to show up? Is that why you came in so early?" he teases. He knows what's up or at least I think he knows. I really cannot keep secrets from him, he finds them out eventually from one or other source. This time I'm assuming its Sasuke, telling him to keep an eye for me. Probably.

"Please sit down, Naruto." He shoves a chair in front of me, this was an order not a request. I do as he says. But as soon as I sit down, the office door opens again and I rush towards the edge of my office to see who it is. Ugh. It's him.

"Good morning people!" Kiba says happily to the five people present in the office, he then looks up at Naruto's office, raising his eyebrows.

"Damm boss you are early today," walking right in front of Naruto he continues, "something special, huh?"

I swear he needs to fix his attitude, or else I will fire him. I just roll my eyes and he heads' back to his cubicle, laughing his ass off. A few more people come in and it's already 8:02 A.M. Is she going to be late? She doesn't have today off and she's never late!

"Don't you have work to do?" I ask Kakashi who has been watching me with amusement written all over his face.

"I do, but this is more fun," he chuckles, "plus, I can always give my work to you. I am your boss, for now anyway."

"You know once I'm the CEO, I'm gonna remove your lazy ass from the board of directors," I assume him.

"You can try," he says and starts reading his book, Fifty Shades of Grey.

"Could you not read that during work? It's practically porn!" He chooses to ignore this comment and keeps on reading. 8:04 A.M.

Why are you late today!

8:06 A.M.

Come on!

8:08 A.M.

Why the fuck is time moving so slowly!

I slump back onto the chair Kakashi pulled for me. My head is in my hands and after what feels like an eternity, despite the clock only moving on a minute, she finally enters the office. In the excitement of seeing her, mixed with some dizzy emotions of looking at her in her professional clothes again makes me forget that my office is made of glass. And I run directly into it, crashing my face directly in the glass.


Everyone is looking towards my office, fuck this is so embarrassing!

"Are you okay, Naruto?" comes an angelic voice from my office's actual door. She has a very concerned face on but I can see a small smile forming at the end of her lips. I guess, me crashing into glass is hilarious to her and...everyone else in the office. Well, at least no one knows it's because of her I crashed, everyone except Kakashi, who has stopped reading but is now just watching us.

"I'm fine," I say holding my nose, I think it's a bit bruised, "I'm fine, Hinata. How are you?"

"I'm also fine," she breaks into a smile, "thank you so much for letting me have the day off yesterday. And...for the coconut water."

Oh! She bought up the topic herself!

"Oh yes, of course, the least I could do you know..."

We both stare at Kakashi, who is staring back at us smiling. There is a long awkward silence before any of us speak.

"Well, thanks again, I'll go back to work." She starts to leave but I grab her wrist. I need to talk to her.

"I need to talk to you..." I say and looking at Kakashi, "privately."

He rolls his eyes, and gets up to leave.

"Kids," he looks at us and pats me on the back before leaving.

"So, I wanted to talk about what happened the other night," I start but something is wrong with Hinata. Her face is flushed, it's like she applied too much blush on her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I go close to her, and her eyes widens just for a second.

"Oh umm, you're still holding my wrist, sort of tightly."

It's my turn to be flushed. I quickly let go of her wrist but my hand feels empty now. After recollecting my thoughts, and I guess Hinata is doing the same we talk at the same time.

"Let's just forget about it..."

"Let's just forget about it..."

"What?" "What?"

"You go first," I beat her to say it.

"I was saying, let's just forget about what happened the other night, you know?"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I'm so glad you think that way! I was going to say the same thing. You know, these things happen, especially between exes!" I suddenly blurt out. Fuck, I think I just made things awkward.

"What I mean to say is..." she cuts me off before I can make things ever more awkward.

"I understand that! And I feel the same way, you know we haven't met in such a long time sometimes old...things come up."

I nod in agreement. It's amazing how well she understands me. How well she understands us.

I have a great taste in female, I pat myself on the back.

"But I was thinking about something, if you don't mind," she continues and brings me back to reality. What the fuck was I even thinking right now!

"I was thinking, we are better off as friends, right?" She is trying to look everywhere but at me. My stomach suddenly drops and my heart is racing is faster than normally.

"Oh my god! Hinata!" I practically scream at her, "it's like you can read minds! I was thinking the same thing. I think we are amazing as friends! We tried dating and failed, let's be friends instead!" I try to laugh but realize what I just said. What is the matter with me? I'm usually so good with words but whenever I'm with her I keep saying these weird things about our past. But Hinata seems unfazed with my comment. Instead, she is laughing!

"Well then, as your friend, I should advise you to not bring up us dating in the past up so much!" She laughs. And finally looks me in the eye. She extends her hand towards me.

"Friends?" My stomach is doing backflips but I swallow hard and hold her small and soft hand in my much bigger and rough one.

"Friends." We shake our hands and smile.

"Well then, I'll get back to work," she says and leaves me alone.

That went so well, we both agreed on forgetting the night and becoming friends. That's what I wanted. That's what I thought would make me happy. I am happy but I also feel like I've just lost a part of myself?


I hope you guys enjoy this part! I love writing angt-sy Naruto (so you'll probably see a lot more of that!) And you'll probably see a lot of mixed up emotions between Naruto and Hinata! 

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