Chapter 4

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It was a sunny day as all the college students were running around going their noses literally inside their notebooks. It was midterm season and no one was ready for it, especially some of the freshmen.



I look up from my iPad, Naruto was striking something off this notebook vigorously. Since, we had a same class we were studying together at a coffee shop. The shop was small, close to our dorms. It was us and three other students immersed in their notebooks.

"How do you do it?" he suddenly asked me. It's been almost a month since we went on "date," I think. I don't know honestly. But we have been hanging out together almost every day. s

"Do what?"

"Studying!" He pointed at the general direction of my iPad, and I laughed as he his expression changed. "Oh! I didn't mean to make fun of you."

He was still pouting. Ha, he's cute.

"I swear!" I was serious now and he broke into a huge grin. I think my heart just skipped a beat.

"Naruto-kun!" I said as he was laughing at my misery. He knows I'm a sensitive person, why would he tease me like that!

"Okay okay," he said putting a hand up, "seriously, Hinata, how do you study? I really don't want to fail this class."

"You won't," I said and sat a on the chair right next to him. We have always sat in front of each other, this is new.

I don't like it. Okay, maybe it's kind of nice.

"Woah," he said when he looked at my notes, "Hinata you are amazing."

That was enough to make me blush like a little girl. But I don't think he noticed. I hope he didn't notice; I don't want to get involved in romance, not now. He shifts closer to me, and my heart starts racing. Does he even realize that our shoulders are brushing? But this gives me the opportunity to admire him from close. He has a crease around his eyebrows, probably because he's concentrating on studying my notes. His blue eyes are moving every fast, trying to grasp everything. Has anyone ever told him he looks handsome? Should I? I was so lost in my thoughts and staring at him that when he suddenly turned towards me our faces were just mere inches apart.


He turned away quickly, looking anywhere but at me. Right, just because he complimented my eyes doesn't mean he's in love with me.


I'm trying so hard not to kiss her.

I don't know what got into me when I shifted closer to her. I tried so hard to concentrate on the content but I kept on distracting myself. Did she know our feet were touching? Why did she have to wear that purple frock I see her bare skin! Plus, it's kinda freezing outside. And of course, it's her handwriting is just as pretty as her. Why does everything about her so perfect?

Paying attention is no use around her, so I turn to her to ask if I can take pictures of her notes. And everything suddenly seemed to go in slow motion. Her eyes widen in surprise, since she's so much shorter than me, I bended down. Bad choice. I can her lips and her lip nude gloss, the she applies always because I'm a stalker and I notice these things (I'm not really a stalker.)

And in an instant our staring contest ended, when Hinata looked away quickly. And I feel like a loser. I quickly click the pictures for her notes, and we say goodnight. On my way back to my dorm, I saw Sasuke and Sakura talking in hushed voices.

"Guys?" I said and they both jumped as if they just saw a ghost, "what the fuck are you both doing?"

"Nothing." They say in union.

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