Chapter 5

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'It's easy to fall back into your old habits, especially with someone you dated. You are supposed to know everything about that person, care about that person and then, if it doesn't work out, you are just supposed to forget everything? I don't think I can do that. Even now I remember things from a four-year long relationship, that ended five years ago. I don't think that fair, I believe we should be allowed to keep small mementos from our relationships, we should never forget those things that made us happy in that relationship. Maybe the change we go through is good, maybe it's the willingness to change that drives us to be with a partner. Especially when you are willing to marry that partner?'

I delete everything I wrote on my computer screen, only for a black word document to stare back at me. I have been trying to get back into writing, and no matter how wonderful life sounds in writing, often real life is so much harder. I don't know why I'm even updating this old fanfiction I had. It's been five years, and this is filled with memories I would rather not think about again. Since, I'm having a staring contest with my computer screen by phone suddenly buzzes loudly with a Slack notification, completely breaking me from my zone. It's a text from my boss, or I guess I should call him Naruto-kun, since he doesn't like me calling him Boss.

New Message on #general

Naruto Uzumaki: Hey guys, sorry to disturb you all so late at night, but I can't seem to find the slide-deck for investors? Did anyone share it on the google folder? 11:23 PM

You: Yes, I believe it's under Marketing Team for some reason, I changed its location to Investors' Relation. 11:23 PM

Naruto Uzumaki: Ah! Thank you! 11:25 PM

He works so late at night, still. Even in college, Naruto has always been a night owl, he gets nightmares easily and prefers to stay up rather than sleep. I remember trying to get him to sleep was a task! I blush at the memory, oh, how dumb we were back then, how easy things were back then. I wish I could turn back time and just lie in our dorm room twin bed, naked forever. That's what we used to wish for in our freshmen year, but times have changed so much.

I don't know how I got on Naruto-kun's Instagram page, and why I am so deep down his posts. Not that he posts that much, he has a total of 47 posts, the newer ones being mostly business related. I'm scrolling down making sure not to like anything from a long time ago, he cannot know how creepy I am. My hands are trembling, and I feel so thirsty, my lips chapped. Why did our relationship needed to end? Although I know the answer, I don't want that answer. I want to make something stupid up, but I cannot because I know the truth. I see my phone screen has two big splashes of water. I quickly wipe it off, but in doing so I accidentally like a post of ramen. Oh fuck, oh fuck! It's from two years ago! I just throw my phone away. I need a break from all this emotional crap.


My phone lighting up was a great distraction from the boring investor's meeting I have tomorrow.

@purpleeyes liked your post

I stare at it in disbelief. I dive back into my chair, running my hand through my already messy hair. I didn't realize how thirsty I was, and as I clicked on the notification my heart is beating how of my chest. I see the post she liked was from two years ago. Was she...stalking me? Now I'm pretty sure my heart is going to fail, something feels weird. I close my eyes and take three deep breaths. Suddenly, everything feels much better, the world seems much brighter for some reason? I don't know what got into me but I quickly call Sasuke.

"DUDE" I scream as he picks up the call jumping out of my chair.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked groggily.

"She liked my post from two years ago!!" I almost scream.

"What...who? Are you drunk?"

"What? NO! Hinata!" I say and I realize what I just did. But before I could say anything else, he laughed and I heard another laugh from his end. Sakura. Now I'm screwed. I can hear her say I told you so.

"So, let me get this straight," he said sounding more wake now, "you called me at twelve in the morning to scream like an eight year old girl that your ex-girlfriend liked your post from two years ago. Which by the way made you so happy that, you, Naruto Uzumaki, called me? The guy who never calls me?"

I remained silent.

"Do you still love her?"

I sink back down in the chair and say nothing again.

"Naruto, listen to me carefully, this is the only time I'm going to say this – your engagement falling apart was not your fault, or hers. It was the situation that was crappy. She makes you happy, and you make her happy. Think about it –"

"No." I said and hang up.

I don't love Hinata Hyuga anymore, I don't, I don't, I don't. I try to make myself believe. But all I can see in my head is her smile. Why are these memories making their way in my head right now? I don't want to remember this! I want to forget this, I don't want to remember her sweet laugh, the first time she said I love you to me, the first time I kissed her, the first time we went on a date, and so many firsts I had with her.

I wish there was a button which made me forget these things. I wish I could forget her favorite color is purple, or that she loves lilies, or that rainy days scare her. She likes to cuddle, and made me love cuddles also. Oh, how I wish I forget how safe I felt sleeping next to her. I wish I could forget everything. But I cannot and there is nothing that is stopping these memories flood my head and all I can do is lie down on my pillow so no one can see me sobbing.


okay! so I am thinking of writing a NSWF chapter (maybe the next one where i can explore how NaruHina were first intimate? or maybe later?) I don't know if I will write something like that but just a heads up - if you don't like reading NSWF stuff - this story MIGHT have some of that stuff!

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