Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: Please don't drink if you're underage. I know there are some places where the drinking age is 21+ (it's actually 18 where I am from) and by no means I am implying underage drinking is okay. This is purely for story and cliché college experience purposes.


I hate her...

Everything was dark, grey, and just all together depressing but it was also pretty, serene, and beautiful. I guess this is how Christmas usually feels. I'm not particularly a fan of Christmas, but this year I have been fidgeting, and debating what gifts to get a lot. I guess it doesn't help that we are also celebrating my crush's birthday. I have to impress her somehow, need to get her attention. I realized almost two weeks ago, how hopelessly in how hopelessly I liked Hinata.

I take another look at my outfit. Jeans? Check. Red and black button-down shirt? Check. Bomber Jacket? Check. This is perfect. Why am I sweating?

"Naruto," Sasuke distracts me as I'm combing my hair, "I have been waiting for the last twenty minutes here. Would you for the love of God just fucking come already?" He snapped.

"I need to be perfect, dickhead."

"You? Perfect?" He scoffed. I just roll my eyes and we leave our tiny dorm room.

It looks like winter wonderland outside, a very cold and dark winter wonderland. I hate the idea of being so cold, but I like December. It's her birthday month after all!

"We need to grab some beer," I remind him.

"Way ahead of you," he rolls his eyes and continues, "I already got some beer, vodka, and rum stashed in Sakura's dorm room." He looks proud of himself and there is a lingering smile on his face after he mentioned Sakura.

"How are things between you two?"

"Do you really wanna know about our sex lives?"

"That is not what I fucking asked...what is wrong with you?" He laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean. I think we are pretty tight. She's cool and well, I care for her." He shoved me, "stop fucking staring at me." But my mouth remained agape. Did he just admit he cared for someone? I cannot fucking believe this.

"Woah..." was all I managed to say. After walking silently for the rest of the trip, Sasuke suddenly stopped me in my tracks.

"Naruto, I know how you feel about Hinata." He suddenly said making me blush. Why would he bring this up suddenly? Right before we are about to meet her!

"Listen carefully, I think you also care about her in a similar way I care about Sakura and..." he looked around, "and I think Hinata feels the same way."

And with that he went inside the building, leaving me in the cold, dark, and pale world. Somehow the paleness of the world seemed to comfort me. The pure white snow falling reminded me of Hinata. It's going be a good day...

It sure as hell was.


I should've said no, I should've said no. The bar although it's half empty seems to be closing in on me. Why is it so cramped in here? I cannot feel my face at all! When Naruto-kun and Kiba-kun suddenly invited me over for after work drinks, I really should've said no. But something in Naruto-kun's eye challenged me, I wanted him to see how well I can handle my...

"Woah Hinata! Be careful!" Kiba-kun's voice came from somewhere behind me, or was he in front of me? Someone was holding my waist; I must've tripped or almost tripped. I'm really not sure what's happening around me.

"How many shots did you take, Hinata?" Came a very deep and husky voice. It was him! He was the one who was holding my waist. I found the culprit and I turned to face him, my face breaking into a huge smile.

"Naruto-kun!!" I think I squealed and hugged him, "just like old times!"

"Kiba, how many shots did you give her?"

"Uhhh three or four maybe?"

"Are you fucking insane? You know she cannot handle her liquor." He said very sternly. His voice was ice cold and filled with hatred. The same emotions he harbors in for me, I'm sure. I can feel my face again, but it's so hot and wet. I break my hug with Naruto-kun and I can see a smudge on his very neat pale-blue shirt. It reminds me of snow and my birthday almost seven years ago.

Oh, I wish we were back into that night. I wish I didn't blackout on my own birthday and remembered kissing Naruto-kun for the first time! I was so bold back then, I was so filled with love. I wish he didn't hate me right now!


I hate her for bringing up the past, and not realizing that she just said all of those things out loud. Not that I can blame her as much, she has never been someone who can handle her liquor well.

I remember that day...

"Nar-Naru-Naruto-ku..." Hinata slurred after her fifth shot she was pretty much out of touch with reality. "Naru-You don't like me right?" She sobbed, tears streaming down her face smearing the beautiful red lipstick she was wearing. I guess she's one of those people who is a sad drunk. Huh who would've thought?

"Hina!" I played with her not sure why I was feeling lightheaded, "of course I don't hate you! Why would you think that!!" I practically screamed. Everything seemed to be at peace. Everything seemed right.

"Do you like me? Because I really really like you!" She said and hugged me. Her body was touching me! I cannot believe that, she was so warm and fragile. She smelled amazing, despite drinking so much. I don't know if this was the alcohol or just my general proximity to Hinata but I swear I felt my heart skip a beat, maybe two beats. How can someone who is this drunk still be drop dead gorgeous?

"Hinata! I really like you too!" I replied giving her a similar smile she was giving me. Nothing else in the world mattered than her. I couldn't even sense that our friends were staring at us for the last five minutes and going "oooh" in the background. No one mattered to me more than her. I just want her, over and over again.

"GUYS!" She suddenly escaped my embrace and left me feeling lonely, "someone dare me kiss Naruto-kun!!"

And without anyone saying anything her lips touched mine. An electric shock went through my whole body followed by weak knees, and my heart just throbbing away. I was so sure I was going to faint. I was kissing a girl and not just any girl, I was kissing the girl of my dreams! Her lips tasted of the cranberry vodka we drank, but they were also soft. She was on her tiptoes and I had to bend down to kiss her even more. She pushed me on the bed still making out with me. For someone this short, she sure has a lot of power. She had a power over me, she'll always have a power over me. Soon afterwards both of us passed out. I was woken up by a girl's loud scream and a girlfriend.

"Why does Naruto-kun hates me so much? I never meant the engagement to fall apart! It was all my dad's fault! I never hated Naruto-kun...even now—" I covered her mouth. I cannot hear it. I don't want to know how she feels. She has a power over me still. She'll always have a power over me.

"Hinata, let's just get you home. Okay?"

I hate the power she has over me. Why does she need to bring up the past right now? Why do I still feel this way?


hey! I want to explore some more of Naruto's emotions, so you might see a lot more of Naruto's POV than Hinata's (maybe) in the upcoming chapters! 

Also, I just wanted everyone to know I follow a very non-linear set of storytelling in the first part where Naruto says "I hate her" it's actually supposed to be the present and then we go into the past. I'm not sure if it was evident or not - but do you guys like this? 

Thanks for reading, I'm sorry about the slow updates! 

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