Chapter 3

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Putting my beer bottle down on a coaster, a habit I developed in college when I started dating her. It's funny how things and people can change so quickly, but little things like their dumb, annoying habits stay with you. This day was a disaster. I ordered Ramen, which turned out to be very soggy and tasteless. And the office was worse, I made Hinata cry or almost cry on her first day. I know, I know I'm not the best with people, but I thought she wouldn't hate me after what happened five years ago. Stuffing the terrible ramen down, I wish Ichiraku is open again soon, I sit in my small balcony cum fire escape with a coaster and another beer. I love looking at stars, I only wish she still does.

"Naruto! Wake up!" Sasuke called from the bathroom, "you will be late idiot!"

I was as groggy as a person could be, slowly I opened my eyes. "What the fuck..."

Sasuke was pulling a white t-shirt over his head, still screaming my name. I could barely hear him; I am just too tired. I was having such a nice dream, I had the opportunity to eat unlimited ramen if only Sasuke didn't wake me up.

"Isnnit it sunday?" was all I managed as I collapsed back into bed and back to my all-you-can-eat ramen dream.

Once again I was woken up for the second time by someone shaking me violently. And who the fuck is screaming? Is it the same person that's shaking me? As I opened my eyes, I was met with very angry green eyes. And she was screaming my name at the top of her lungs.

"Naruto!! If you don't wake up right now, we'll all leave you!!"

"Fine...fine!" I tell her and actually get out of my bed. Sakura scares me. It's been only ten minutes since Sasuke woke me. Why do these people make plans on a Sunday?

As I got up in my bright orange shorts and nothing but a black tank top, I saw her for the first time. Standing in the doorway between our small dorm room and the bathroom with her purple baggy hoodie and yoga pants. Some might say it was love at first sight, but they would be wrong. I think it was admiration, and something like love, but not quite love. She looked away as soon as I made eye contact with her. She's a head shorter than me, and my god, her hair looks amazing. She wasn't even blocking my way, I could've easily passed her but I couldn't move. I don't know how long I was standing in front or rather staring at her.

"Oye! Stop ogling at Hinata and go change!" Sakura shouted and kicked me as I passed very close to Hinata. Hinata. I like her name. And as her lavender perfume engulfed me, my mood wasn't bad at all rather I was quite excited about going to the amusement park.

The rest of the day was such a blur. I spent the whole day glued to Hinata I found out four major things about her. First, her laugh is my favorite sound, and the way she covers up her face with her hand when she laughs, who could not love it? Second, I found that she is very reserved, and a close friend of Sakura but I know I can get her to talk, even if it is to mock me. The third thing that I found was she actually enjoys mocking me, in a friendly way. Fourth, she loves coffee and I'm taking her out, as friends, to coffee the next day.

So many things happened after that day, it seems almost as if it was a dream. I cannot believe there was a time when things were so easy. Chugging the rest of the beer bottle down I realized it's almost 12 AM, the beer gave me a good buzz, it should be good enough to knock me out for a few hours. I don't want to think about the past, that's all I seem to do in the last few days. I take out my phone as I get back into the warmth of my apartment, and go on Instagram again, she hasn't posted in two months and I know I'm going to make a mistake, yet I don't stop myself.


I was just done taking a long bath when my phone chimed. It's odd, no one usually texts me this late, unless it's my mom but she already said her goodnights to me. She and my brother, Neji are the only ones who are talking to me despite my whole family. A towel wrapped around my bare skin, I turn on the phone only to see the most unexpected notification.

@foxishfeatures followed you

I cannot believe he hung on to that username. My heart is beating faster and faster, and my body seemed to have forgotten how to breathe. I just... I just cannot believe this. I never thought I'll be able to connect with him again. I quickly go and make my account private again no need for a public one anymore. As my stomach did some more backflips when as I tapped throw his username and gave him a follow back. He's thinking about me... that's a dangerous game I'm playing. I'm not here for romance, I'm not here to give an apology, I'm here to make something out of me, I tell myself. Today was not a great start to my job, I need to make sure I don't repeat the mistakes I made today. I need to make sure I don't get caught up in the past again. And as soon as my brain was about to drill these thoughts into my mind, my phone's notification went off again.

@foxishfeatures liked your post

There it is again. Just like seven years ago.

@ramen11 wants to follow you

"Yeah that's me!" Naruto beamed as we were sitting in a coffee shop close to our university. I ordered a cappuccino and he got a flat white latte.

"Why are you ramen11?" I could listen to him talk all day. I added him to my small Instagram and followed him back. I don't usually post my pictures because I've always been insecure about my eyes, I basically don't have any pupils and so my eyes are palish purple. It's a rare mutation but I had the unfortunate luck of getting this in my family. Naruto hasn't even mentioned how odd I look with no pupil, instead, he seemed more interested in me than anyone I've ever met. He doesn't even know who my family is.

"Basically, I love ramen, right? And because my birthday is on October 11 and well, I couldn't think of a better name, I combined them together." He finished with one of his biggest and brightest smiles. He's was very proud of that name. He had this weird and powerful aura around him, he always made me feel special.

"I think you should change it to something else, it's too generic."

"Oh? Like what?"

After a long pause, I told him, "How about foxish features? You know because you those birthmarks." I wasn't sure if I should mention his birthmarks or no, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Because I think those marks are pretty cool!"

Again, he had this odd expression which I later came to understand as his "shocked beyond the world" face. He smiles and changed his username.

"See now, I should probably give you a shout-out!"

"Oh! No no! I don't think that's necessary," I replied as politely as I could. I wanted to add that he should probably use a coaster as his drink was dropping small water droplets all on the table, but I refrained myself.

"Fine, I won't aha! And as we are talking about usernames and cute features, I think your name should be @purpleeyes, you know because you have pretty eyes."

"I'm sure you've heard this all the time, but you know that your eyes are amazing right?" He added as he saw my shocked face. And I was hit with a wave of affection towards him, similar to what happened yesterday when I saw his disheveled blonde hair and surprisingly buffed biceps. Once again my face is gushing, and I am unable to look at him in his eyes. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I do not know what made me say this next.

"I really like that name!" And spontaneously changed my username. I've never felt that good about myself until that moment, I knew as soon as I looked into Naruto's eyes, Fuck. I like him.

Why is history repeating itself?


The next chapter might be or might not be a full-on flashback! 

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