Chapter 7

64 3 2

TW: mentions throwing up



"Hey, we are here," I nudge Hinata, who is passed out on the passenger seat.

"Hey Hinata? Wake up."

Silence. A lot of things have changed since we were in college but her alcohol tolerance apparently is not one of them. I shake her a bit violently; all I get is grunts. Despite being passed out and my shaking, her hair seems to be in perfect bun. What magic conditioner does she uses? Well, I know the answer to that question. I catch our reflection in on the car's rear-view mirror, why am I smiling? We look exactly how we used to be in college, me driving back after we went to clubs with a passed out Hinata on my side. I can't even remember the number of times we have come back to our dorms like that. My hands are sweating and cheeks are heating up. I need some fresh air. I can see Hinata's face is all red, its either because she's drunk or she's also feeling super-hot and unable to breath normally, like me.

"Wake up, Hinata" I shake her again and open both mine and her window. No response, but a small smile makes its face on her lips. My heart is racing suddenly and all I want to do is go to my room and sleep. It's been a long day. But it seems like Hinata is not going to wake up anytime soon. I know her apartment number, for whatever reason, I guess I can just carry her up. My heart is racing even faster now.

As I'm parking the car, the sudden break seems to have at least made Hinata stir a bit. But all she does is grunts and moves her head away from me. A hair flick becomes loose from her perfect bun. What a shame. I kill the engine, and walk up to her side of the car. It's too cold outside in my opinion, my hands are shivering and feel ice-cold. With trembling hands, I open her door, and thank god for the seat belt she is wearing, or else she would've fallen right in my arms. Feels like I'm going to have a heart attack, I can hear my heart throbbing loudly.

Taking a step back, I need to rub my hands together to warm them up. What am I so nervous about? After about a minute of doing rubbing my hands together, it seems like the warmth has returned to them but my heart keeps on running a marathon. I just need to get this over with.

With all the strength I can muster, I hold Hinata's shoulder back so she does not fall when I unbuckle her seat belt. She looks so peaceful right now, probably off in some fantasy dreamworld where things are much better than real life. I like being friends with her but it is getting harder and harder not to think of the past when I'm around her. She's so perfect, too perfect. That hair out of the bun is not perfect though, and I don't know what compels me to do it but I slowly take my hand and put that flick of hair behind her ear. And as soon as my fingers make contact with her face it, electricity flows through my entire body, my brain has pretty much short-circuited, because all I think of is how beautiful Hinata is, how much I miss her for not being in my life constantly. How much I missed her the past couple of years. And worst of all, my idiotic brain thinks how this could have been my future, if things went the right way. I could have been her husband helping her get to her—our bedroom, helping her get over the hangover in the morning. I would have been fucking blessed with waking up next to her every single day, for the rest of my life. But things did not work out for us, they never can.

"Naruto..." Hinata suddenly says and I snap back to reality. What the fuck am I thinking? I'm her boss, she is probably going to regret this in the morning. Her eyes are slowly opening, and her the small smile from her face fades as worry takes over. Her eyebrows are almost joined together and she is starring directly into my eyes. Her face looks like she knows what I am thinking, how I am feeling. But she cannot possibly know that.

Once Again, For Love | Naruhina AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें