17• A Shelby's fight

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" Freddie asked
"Nothing" Tommy dismissed
"He got jumped by a gang of lads" Charlie explained
"Who?" I asked.

"No one" he said adamantly
"Who Tommy?" I asked
He sighed
"Just leave it Mar" he snapped.

"Tommy" Freddie pressed
He hesitated for a moment
"Daniel Mackey and his friends" he said
"Why?" Freddie asked
"They... his brother got in a fight with Arthur the other day" he mumbled reluctantly

Me and Freddie said nothing more, both heading for the door
"Where are you going?" Charlie asked
"Don't let him leave" I said simply, both of us heading through the betting den
I picked up a crowbar, Freddie choosing a bat as we headed out onto the street.

You don't mess with a Shelby.
And live...

"John!" I called, who opened his window
"What?" He asked
"Grab something we're having a fight" I said
"Yes!" He shouted, slamming his window shut

By the time we had made it down the street there was a huge group of us
All armed and ready for a fight
I knew they drank down the black swan
So that's where we went, that's where we found them.

And that's where we fought them.
And won

"Fucking hell, we ain't had a fight like that in ages" Freddie chuckled as we walked home
Everyone slowly dropping off back into their houses
I had a split lip, a bruise bound to appear on my ribs soon and a cut on my forehead

But they got the message
And I was too high off the adrenaline to notice
I didn't like fighting much
I thought things should often be dealt with using words

But when someone strikes out first, using punches to convey their point
Then it was fair game.

"I know, you surprisingly held your own quite well" I joked
"I've always held my own" he argued
I was going to reply as my laughter died down, yet the sight of Arthur leaving the pub caught my attention.

So I headed straight for him
"Mari" Freddie called after me, following me
"Do you have any idea what you've done?" I shouted, gaining his attention
"What?" He asked, but I was already swinging for him, landing a punch on his cheek

"What the fuck?" He cursed
"Tommy's lying at home battered and bruised because of you" I said
"What?" He asked
"Daniel Mackey, you had a fight with his brother the other night" I jogged his memory

"So what" he asked
"So he took it out on Tommy" I said
"What's that gotta do with me?" He asked drunkenly
"Everything! You selfish prick" I said
"Why are you bruised up then?" He asked.

"Because we've been dealing with your mess, sticking up for him" I shouted
"Because you always have to don't you? Everyone always has to stick up for Tommy, poor old fucking Tommy, everyone's favourite" he shouted back

"Mari there's no use, he's pissed" Freddie said, grabbing my arm gently
"Yeah, no use, so fuck off" he grumbled
"Get your fucking act together" I snapped
I was sick of the pity party
I understood it, I really did.

But he was affecting everyone else now
Neglecting John

Getting Tommy hurt
Pushing us all away.

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