CHAPTER 13: Basketball

Beginne am Anfang

Aha... right, this guy was rich as hell.

"I know parties aren't your thing, but please consider going this time?"

"I'll see about that..." Soobin wasn't sure if he should.

"You're the prince of the school and I want you to be there, Soobin. There's free food and wine and you can even rest in the guest room if you pass out!"

Soobin internally sighed. He was jealous. His life would've been so much better if he was born into a rich family like Jay's.

"Then... I guess I can't say no. Thanks for coming to invite me personally"

"Great! Class is starting soon so I gotta rush! See you soon!" Jay waved and ran back to where he came from.

The bell started ringing soon after. Soobin sighed and went to class.


"Taehyun!! Please go please pretty please???" HueningKai pulled his cousin's arm who wasn't budging at all.

"No. Don't disturb me while I'm reading"

"Why don't you wanna go??"

"I hate crowded space and parties. And I especially hate the host" Taehyun replied, his eyes were still glued to the book.

"I know you don't get along with Jay... but he specifically told me to beg you to go. Pleaseee"

Taehyun visibly cringed. "That bitch is probably plotting to murder me"

"He's not!!" Huening Kai yelled making everyone in the library glare at him. He immediately bowed as an apology and sat back down, pulling his chair closer to Taehyun's.

"He wouldn't dare to do that. He said he wanted to fix things between you two. Maybe you should give him a chance" he whispered.

"Thanks. But I can handle my own problems without you butting in"

The younger pouted "So you're just gonna let me go on my own? What if I get picked on? Who's gonna help me?"

"Then just don't go, dumbass"

"Then I'll tell your mom you're not a good job as my guardian like she told you to"

Taehyun hated it when his cousin pulled this card. He closed the book and sighed. "You have many friends. Just stick with them"

"But I want you to go"

"So annoying" The white haired returned the book to the shelf and walked out of the library.

"Does that mean you're going?" The younger called from behind.

Taehyun didn't reply. He and that rapper didn't get along since their first meeting. It went way back to three months ago when...


"Pass me the ball!" Jay and several other guys were playing basketball on the court.

Taehyun was just chilling with headphones in his ears and casually snacking on some potato chips when a ball came flying at his face.

"Heyy!! You okay over there?! Sorry it was an accident!" Jay hurriedly rushed to check on him.

Taehyun got up, feeling mad as ever. "Do I look okay to you?? My chips are on the floor"

"I'm sorry"

"Haven't you been playing for years? Are you sure that throw wasn't intentional?"

"I said it was an accident and I sincerely apologized!"

"Oh yeah? Will your apology fix my face?"

"What do you want then? A fight? Maybe you'd look even better with another bruise on your cheeks"

Taehyun couldn't control himself and punched Jay in the face making his nose bleed. "You wanna come at me then? For your information, I do boxing"

Jay held his nose and laughed. "A boxer? Wait until you're taller than me to brag about it"

The two students began fighting until principal Bang came to scold them and had them both suspended for a week.

It goes without saying that they became enemies since that day.


To be continued ...

Hey I'm back again!! Thanks for reading <3

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