When they walk down find tine and techno on dinning table with build who was serving them thier breakfast... While bible look at build questioning look...

Build:"Don't look at me like that we all have breakfast here and they will be having alone ... That's why i brought them down so they can have breakfast with us ... I did right thing right Mr hubby ..." Build know where to make bible weak ...

Bible:"Yeah what ever you say baby ..." He glare at tine and techno who stab the pancake forcefully... Build laugh and while server him food ....


Techno:"YOU BRAT ..." Jeff almost run out while techno walks towards him ...

Tine:"Don't think he got escaped from us ... I smash you and your brother like a mosquito remember it ... Baby boy when we leave from here come with us you don't need this asshole us a husband... We will find you new husband..." Bible look at build who laugh at thier comment while walking out ...

Bible:"Jeff we should do something before they find new husband to my baby ... Let's go and finish the work properly..." Jeff nod his head and tie his hair while driving off from their ...

Scarlett was going through her phone while drive park the car on the parking lot while guard open the door for him ... She look at the guard and raised her eyebrows while looking at him from head to toe....

Scarlett:"Are you new guard working for us brother ... I am seeing you new today any ways welcome brother and see you at evening..." Jeff smile little but clear his throat and pull his gun while pointing at her head ... His guards surround the car while they drag the driver and guards with them ... He snatch the pendent and watch everything Scarlett was wearing...

Jeff:"It's for our safety baby girl ... Keep quite no one is going to help you all the guards where drugged and you better get in the car yourself don't make me force you get in ... I have surprise for you ..." Scarlett cries and walk towards the car while jeff get on driver seat ...

He drive towards his mansion while bible look at jeff dragging Scarlett inside the mansion ... She look tine and techno where tied on chair while thier mouth have been tapped...

Bible:"Don't look at me ... They are cursing us without a break brother ... That's why i tapped their mouth ..." Jeff laugh and release Scarlett while she run and hug tine tightly...

Scarlett:"Papa's ... I miss you so much and papa type was keep on crying and everyone is afraid of him because he is stressing himself to much ... Daddies too keep on searching you guys day and night ... How did you get kidnapped Papa's ..." Build look at bible while he move and remove thier tap and free them ...

Tine:"Shhh princess don't worry ... We are alright look nothing going to happen to us ... It's was Nova he was the one against Everything happens in our family and this two brats are is mans too..."

Build:"Did you want something to eat baby girl ..." She hid behind tine while build look at Scarlett with a smile ...

Techno:"Don't be afraid of him ... He is a good guy not like his Asshole husband and brother in law ... Trust us baby girl ..." Bible and Jeff snap thier head towards build who his head with a smile ...

Scarlett:"Scarlett won't forgive you brother ... Scarlett hates you for kidnapping me and my Papa's ..." She peek at jeff who laugh at her ...

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