Twenty six

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I prop myself up a little in my hospital bed. The nurse just came in to take the last bandage off my left eye, I guess it got pretty messed up. I've been here for two days now, I look horrible but I feel a little better. The first time I look at myself I broke down. Gio held me. He also told me, "you are beautiful capo. They will heal." I cried harder because he lied to me.

My face was a total wreak. I have a cracked jaw, I had to get two stitches on my bottom lip from where the wedding ring he still wears cut, I fracture my left retina. Nothing too serious. Both my eyes were swollen shut for a day, my face is also decorated with bruises and small cuts. No missing teeth though thank god. My father only arrived Friday and he managed to send me to the hospital twice. Lovely.

Gio hasn't left my side, until this morning. He had to go back home and explain to his family why the wedding is off. I can't wait to find out how it goes for him. He just better not end up like me, I couldn't bare it. I flick back and forth of the four channels this shitty hospital TV. When I find nothing I give up and try to reach for my phone.

  Im not crippled, just no one has left me leave the bed by myself so I'm a little scared to reach for my phone alone, but I do it anyway. It's placed on the small rolling table they put my food on just right now it's rolled halfway across the room. Im supposed to be getting released today and I would really like that to be sooner rather then later.

  I swing my legs over the bed. I need to wait a minute for the dizziness in my head to calm down before I stand. When I get to my feet I wobble for a second but I'm good. I cross the room, grab my phone and I make it back to my bed. Well almost I trip over a wire and almost face plant.

  An arm reaches out and stops it from happening. I didn't even hear the door open. I look down to see black ink on big tanned hands. "Jesus, and your supposed to be released today." I straighten up and shove him off of me. "I was doing just fine before the wire came out of nowhere and tripped me." I sit on the edge of the bed and glare at Mario.

   "I'll remember to let you fall next time, sunshine." I mock laugh and give him the finger. He fixes his suit and stands straighter. What is he even doing here. He looks around my bland room ,and picks at my unread copy of Little women Amara picked up for me. "You have an abnormal obsession with this chick flick."

  "It's a classic." He fidgets with a few more this around the room and it's stressing me the fuck out. "Why are you here?" He starts playing with the unplugged monitor in the corner of the room, pretending I didn't say anything. I thought I wanted someone to come visit me before but I take it back. "Hello."

  "Gio sent me." He faces me when he says this. The same expressionless look he always has staring back at me. I hate it. I like being able to read people, but Mario is a closed book, actually not a book a vault. "Okay, why did he send you Mario?" I drag my annoyed tone out hoping he will just give me the reason why and move on with it.

  "He wanted to see how you were, and so you had someone to wait with you and drive you back home when it reaches noon." Noon is when I'm being released, which is in another hour or so. "How was it telling his mom?" He eyes the plastic chair beside him.

  "Not as bad as how yours went." He decides against sitting on the cheap material and wonders around the room again. "Have you seen my sister?" His back stiffens. Our eyes connect and for once something is swirling around in those hazel depths. When I first met him I could've swore he had dark eyes, but they always seem to change colour.

  I can't pinpoint what I see in them, but it's definitely some sort of emotion. He must hate me studying him this hard because his mask is back up in no time. "I only saw her briefly." He stuffs his hands in his pockets. It's such a normal act but too me he is acting off.

  "She asked Gio how you were. She seemed a bit upset, but that's understandable." Why hasn't she visited me. She was here when I first came in, but hasn't been here since. I just nod and get fully back into bed. I've already changed out of the hospital gown and showered so I'm really just waiting to sign the release forms.

  "Do you know where my father is?"

  "Gio wanted to send him home but he wouldn't leave without you and Amara, so Gio kicked him out of Sicily. It was the best he could do for right now." I laugh. Man Gio has some strong connections. "He's happy for once, you make him happy." I nod. He makes me happy.

   "I've been friends with him for a long time. I've seen him hook up and date countless people. So when he told me he was marrying a girl he hasn't met for a connection to the states I didn't bat an eye. He is smart, he knows what works best for him and what doesn't. So if this American girl can give him something he needs while carrying his heirs, why not go for it. It's not until I saw all three of you in a room alone with him,"

  I'm scared to move. Mario never talks this much, and I need to hear what his has to say.

  "He never once looked at her. I didn't understand it. She's beautiful, how could he not be looking at her." I freeze the emotion is back. I sit up straighter. Is he? "But he didn't give her the time of day. His focus was always on you." I brush off what I thought I just saw. I need the rest of this.

  "He always gave you his undivided attention even when you weren'  speaking. At first I was like this guy isn't that interesting Giovanni he isn't even speaking. Then it clicked. When Gio had just turn twenty two I caught him on his knees for one of his fathers clients. He never hid his sexually from me, he just honestly never labeled himself, and I didn't bother asking. He was the same Gio no matter what or who he put his mouth on."

  Mario is a good friend. Gio is lucky to have him. "I knew he wanted you. Not Amara. He fell hard for you Lo. Don't hurt him." I swallow taking everything in. "I don't plan on it." He gives me a nod of approval. "I kind of don't want to leave this room anymore. Everyone out there is mean."

  "You'll be staying here alone cause I fucking hate it in here." He gives this room another once  over. He looks so disgusted. It's ironic that you can feel so gross in a place that is so clean. "Yeah your right. It fucking sucks here." The corner of his lip lifts. I'm taking that as a small victory.

  I got Mario to grin. Well more like maybe lift his lip up, but it counts. A minute later the nurse shows up with a clip board for me to sign papers on. When she spots Mario her cheeks turn pink and she stutters when she speak. He really does have that effect on people. He is attractive and also very brooding.

  Once I sign everything, she practically rips it from my hands mumbles I'm good to go in Italian and high tails is away from Mario. "You could smile you are so intimidating."

  "Why when that reaction is so fun." I roll my eyes at him. "Well that reaction doesn't get you laid."

"You don't know anything about me getting laid." That is true, but come on that woman ran away from him. "And besides, I like women that won't back down from a little intimidation." This guy. He is a lot.

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