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I didn't sleep at all last night. My mind just kept imagining Gio only two doors down, pleasuring himself because of me.

Moaning my name when he comes. It took all my will power not to just barge into his room and drop to my knees.

When I started having thoughts like that, it only made me fist my own cock and come to the memory of his tongue.

I still couldn't sleep after I came, it just wasn't as satisfying as actually having him would be.

So now I have just been lying here telling myself to get up.

I heard Gio get up about an hour ago, it's nine now so he must have been headed to work otherwise he would have been held up in his office til noon.

He told me before he mainly handled business at home, but with the new clubs he's opening up around Italy, he's been having to physically be at them just until the hype of them settles.

I except the fact that sleep won't happen til later, so I get up and start my day. I need to blow off some steam so morning work out it is.

I throw on some sweats and sneakers and make my way downstairs. I head to the kitchen first to grab some water.

"Buongiorno sir." Alessandro greets.

"Morning." I'm not too fond of the guy after I saw his interaction with my sister. Does he not realize who her husband is, he would not hesitate to put a bullet between his eyes.

He stands by the island watching me fill my bottle. "Do you need anything?" He goes to say something, but than thinks twice about it and heads for the patio door connected to the kitchen.

"Alessandro." I threaten and he freezes. "I was just going to say you have nothing to worry about. Me and your sister are just friends." He says with his back to me.

"Say that to my face and maybe I'll believe you." When he faces me his gaze is everywhere but on my eyes. "You are making a very compelling case. You know most people can't look someone in the eyes when they are lying."

He finally meets my eyes. "I find her beautiful, how could I not, but I promise you I would never do anything that would go against Giovanni." I believe him, but he was still being awfully flirty with her.

"Okay. Just next time don't openly call her beautiful, it could be him who finds you and my sister being great "friends."

"Of course sir I'm sorry. If you don't mind I will he started with my work now." I wave him off and head to the gym.

I finished my work out around eleven thirty. After that I shower and tried to watch so tv. When that didn't entertain me I headed into the library to finish the book I started a couple days ago.

Gio still hasn't come home, I'm actually kind of grateful he hasn't. I don't know how I will feel once I see him again. Our last in counter was rather steamy, and I'm afraid I'll beg him for another taste.

I get about three chapters in when my eyes start to droop. I'll just finish this chapter and call it an early night.


   "Capo." I wake to a gentle hand running through my hair. "Good morning. Well technically goodnight." Gios voice eases me into the land of the living. When my eyes fully open they are met with his beautiful ones.

"Sorry to wake you, but you looked so uncomfortable." He laughs. My neck does feel kind of stiff.

He hasn't stopped running his fingers through my hair and I really don't want him to. It feels good, he feels good. I sit up more and it causes him get off of the armrest.

"Did you just get home?" He picks the book I was reading off of the floor and smiles. Little women by Jane Austen. It's my favourite.

"Yes, about fifteen minutes ago." He places book down and stares at it for a minute. "You know Amara reminds me of Amy." As if this man couldn't get anymore attractive. I use to call her Amy when we would watch the movie together, and she would cry and say she was not Amy she was Jo.

"Gio." He looks down at me, and my skin starts burning up. He licks his bottom lip and hovers above me. "All I have thought about today was the taste of your lips. Can I please just have another taste?" He asks me sounding so desperate.

I want to say take me right now have all of me, but instead I just nod. "Just a small taste and I promise I'll leave." He says.

"Oka-" I don't even get to finish the word his lips are on me. He is gentle and slow not like last night. He is trying to savour it. I reach up to pull him closer, but he pulls my arms down and pins them to my lap.

I need to feel him. Right now only our lips are connected. I go to fight against his grip but it's not use he is stronger than me. He pulls away and an embarrassing grunt leaves my lips.

"You're so addictive. It was dangerous of me to think another taste would satisfy me." He sounds as if he is talking to himself and not to me.

"Well capo I'm going to take a nice cold shower. Goodnight." He heads out of the library.

I guess I will not being sleeping again tonight. I watch him open the door to his office, to my knowledge he doesn't have a shower in his office, but I'm too horny to really care too much

I pick up little women and finish where I left off. Reading this will hopefully get rid of all my unholy thoughts.

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