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Amara is in the kitchen right now preparing a thank you dinner for helping with all the wedding planning. She has left me,Bianca,and Gio alone in the living room even after I begged her to let me help. She insisted I just relax, but it's very hard to relax when Gio is glaring at me from across the room.

Bianca has chosen to sit right beside me. I guess Gio is not too happy about it. "So what part of Italy is your family from?" Bianca asks and I peel my eyes off my the handsome grump. "Mostly Bosa, but my mother was from Portofino." I reply not wanting to get too deep in conversation with her but not wanting to be rude either.

"Maria's husband is from Bosa. It's such a beautiful town." I nod in agreement. Maria is Gio's other sister, she is visiting her in laws and couldn't make it to dinner tonight. "How are you liking Sicily so far? Im sure you are missing home."

"I-" "why don't we stop harassing Lorenzo B." Gio cuts off my reply. I smirk when Bianca eyes widen. "I was just making conversation, the silence is very awkward." She snaps. "Trust me the silence was better." He retorts. Her cheeks get red with embarrassment.

"I didn't mind your questions." I smile at her. She looks grateful I said that but doesn't make any effort to asks another question. She is a nice person, and she is good to Amara so I don't feel like being rude to her. It's just Gios jealously talking right now, even though I remember having a conversation with him about how I would never go for her. So I don't understand why he is acting like this.

Thankfully we don't need to sit in anymore silence Amara emerges from the kitchen. "Dinner is ready." She claps her hands together and motions for us to head to the dining room. I wait until Bianca gets up and leaves with Amara. "What is your problem?" Gio stays seated not making any effort to move. He looks at me with amusement and frustration.

  "She has been eye fucking you since she walked in. That's my problem." I scoff. "You are marrying my sister remember, you will be actually fucking her." He stiffens. He doesn't have the right to be upset with me, I told him I wouldn't fuck his sister and I will keep my word. I walk towards the exit and he gets up. "I know I'm sorry, I just don't like to fucking see it."

  "We aren't a couple Gio. You will marry my sister,So don't get to worked up about me." His face falls into a frown. "Oh my god you guys hurry up!" Amara shouts to us. I open my mouth to apologize for being so harsh,but I quickly close it again.

  Walking into the dining room Bianca gives me an odd look, like she wants to say something. I arch my eyebrow at her. She shakes her head,and continues setting the table. Wondering what that was about I pull my chair out and sit across from Amara's placement. Once we are all settled in Amara quirks up. "Thank you all for helping me out I really appreciate it, and thank you Giovanni for paying for everything. Now dig in."

  Laughing I reach over the table and grab her hand. She seems happy. It makes me sad for sleeping with Gio, it also makes me sad for the life they get to build together. I feel his heated stare on the side of my face, but I can't look into those green eyes right now. I might break.

  "Have you decide on a venue?" Amara places a hand over her mouth while she tries to quickly chew the piece of bread she just ate. "Yes, it will be at Mergherite." The answer has my head snapping to the mouth it just fell from. "The rooftop garden?" I can't hide the pain in my voice. He is marrying her in the place he took me too, where he sat holding my hand while I cried.

  It feels like I've just been stabbed in the heart. "You know about it?" Bianca asks me while giving Gio a narrowed expression. He doesn't look at her and I don't answer. "I thought you liked the place by the water?"

  "I did but when Bianca told me there was a beautiful place that Giovanni loved, I couldn't pass that up. It's so perfect Lo I'm so excited." I'm really trying to keep my emotions at bay, but this hurts. I don't know why it hurts but it fucking does. "I'm sure it will be." I take a big gulp of my wine.

  Gio watches me the whole dinner. His apologetic eyes make me angry. Angry at myself mostly. I shouldn't be this upset it's his wedding why wouldn't he want to have it in a place he loves? Why shouldn't he share it with Amara? Once we finish I offer to do the dishes and Gio clears the table.

  I feel him stop at the fridge, I see him turn and face me in the reflection of the window. "I'm—"
"Don't." I cut him off. He opens the fridge and places the wine bottle inside before slamming it shut. "Goddammit Lorenzo! I didn't ask to have it at the garden." He barks at me. I grip the plate between my soapy hands hearing the porcelain crack under the pressure.

  I don't respond. I quickly rinse the last plate off then, I start drying. I hear the click of his dress shows on the marble floor. He stops right behind me. He's so close I can feel the heat from his body. "Please look at me." He grips my arm, but doesn't turn me. He wants me to face him on my own.

When I finally face him I see the guilt in his eyes. "Capo I didn't choose this I promise you." He says so quiet I thought I imagined his words. I look down away from his saddened eyes. "Why did you agree?" He leans his forehead against mine. "I don't know. I thought it would please my sister if It seemed like I cared about one thing to do with this wedding."

"You should've just put your input to the menu." I huff out. "I honestly didn't think you'd care about where the wedding was." I step away from him. A hurt expression on my face. "I was venerable with you on that roof. It meant something to me to open up to you. How would I not care that you are just going to push that aside." I yell. He clenches his fist at his side and takes a step towards me.

I take another step back, he stops and looks up at me with regret. "I'm sorry. I will change the venue capo." I shake my head. "I shouldn't feel like this anyways,you're not mine." The words feel like acid on the way out. He furrows his brows looking like he wants to yell at me. Good.

"Don't say that."

"Why it's the truth." I throw the dish towel on the counter,frustrated at myself for feeling this way. "I care about you Lorenzo, I care if this upsets you." Fuck, why does he have to make my heart ache for him? "If there is a way I can fix it I will. So let me change her mind about the venue."

He takes another step forward. "Okay." I whisper. "Okay." He whispers back. "Can I kiss you now capo? I miss your taste." I look over his shoulder towards the door. When I turn my eyes back to him, he already has a hand in my hair. Our lips clash and I hum in satisfaction. I pull him closer by his jacket, while he pushes my back into the counter.

He kisses my jaw. My head tipping back, eyes falling closed in pleasure. "Ahem." We both jump. Gio pulls away and rubs his lips. I straighten my jacket and run my shaking hands through my hair. "Bianca." My voice shakes with fear.

She has wine glasses in her hands. She looks so shocked she almost drops them. "B can I please talk to you." Gio pleads while grabbing the glasses out of her hands and placing them on the island. "Gio?" Her eyes glisten with tears. I can't tell if she's hurt for Amara, or hurt that he brother was kissing a man.

"Lorenzo can you give us a minute?" I hear the words comes out of his mouth, but my wide eyes are still trained on Bianca. "Lo." Suddenly Gio appears in-front of me. He grips my shoulders and shakes me. "Hey you're okay. I'll come see you after." His reassuring eyes are the only things making my feet move right now.

I rush up the stairs and practically sprint to my room. Fuck. I shut my door and lean against it. My father can't fucking find out. My head is spinning. "Dammit!" I kick a stool across the room, it slams against my dresser knocking bottles of cologne over.

I pace the length of my room. Heart racing. My father can't find out please. I feel like a child begging for forgiveness after stealing a cookie. Except this is much worse.

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